drunken confessions

354 19 14

" Maybe I'll be as amazing as they say I'll be one day," Wei Wuxian slurred, letting alcohol overtake his mind. A testament to how much he'd drunk, honestly. How much he'd lost. The Second Jade of Lan stood close by, golden eyes glinting in the dark, sweeping in the sight before him. Gold eyes brimming with concern, with worry, with apprehension that Wei Ying recognized all too well.

They were back on the rooftop again, just like they had been the first time, so many lifetimes ago.

"Maybe I'll be as great as they make me out to be," a bitter smile crossed his face, pain lighting up his face. Grey eyes dimmed under the frail embrace of the moon, devouring him as wholly as the darkness did. Wangji still stood stock still, heart aching for the other half he couldn't touch, couldn't help. Or could he?

"Or maybe I'll fall again, Lan Er- Gege." The flush on his cheeks became evident as he sauntered over to the Second Jade, promptly collapsing on his shoulder.  He giggled at the touch, loving the way warm arms encircled his waist, before moving up to his shoulders. He loved the fluttering touches, the way Lan Zhan's eyes turned molten gold when he was in his hands, even if he was delirious. "I'll be gone soon, won't I?"
A pang of agony rushed against the walls of their hearts, brushing gently across it as if it were waves, only more forceful. But love were the crashes, the internal gears in their hearts that made them click, the blood in their hearts thrumming with life like lubricants, oiling their broken machines in place.

Wangji fell silent, looking intently at the boy wrapped around him, their gazes interlocked. Silver met gold with a burning intensity, and their breaths grew shorter, turning more laboured the longer they stared, desire pulsating through the air. Something electric settled in the air, something languid and dangerous, in the dishevelled outer robes that littered the ground, the glimmer of moon in broken eyes, in pristine teeth. Wei Wuxian moved closer, instinctively pressing his body to Lan Zhan's, savouring the feel of the other pressed beneath him, the way he was close, so close. He revelled in his presence, in the knowledge that he had him where he wanted him, beside him and close.

Fingers threatened to chase, barely resisting the urge under Wangji's iron control. Finally, he gave up.

"Wei Ying, wo ai ni." Rosy red lips parted in minute shock, but something in Wei Ying caved. Driven into action, he leaned forward, swiftly capturing the other's lips, set on devouring them slowly.  He moved closer to him, pressing chaste kisses to his lips. Wangji reciprocated, letting Wei Ying take control of the kiss, before returning it with equal passion. Wangji loved the taste of alcohol and nicotine on his lips, fizzy and fine, that drove him insane. He didn't care how many rules he broke as long as he got to do it, do this again.

Wei Wuxian loved the smell of sandalwood, of apples on Lan Zhan's lips, the way they tasted tart and sweet, swollen with kissing. Finally, they pulled apart, breathless.

The brevity of Wangji's gaze on him sent Wei Wuxian tucking his head into the crook of his nape, only to realise…" Lan Zhan, your ears are burning red!"

Stunned, the Second Jade was at a loss for words. His ears seemed to turn flamingo red, tempting Wei Wuxian to pull the crimson ribbon out of his hair and put it next to his ears, just to see how red they were. Chuckling, he kissed his earlobe.

"Bastard," Wangji cursed softly under his breath, but Wei Ying caught it anyway.
He gasped loudly, hitting Wangji in mock retaliation. "You swore at me! Oh, what a travesty, what a travesty. I was wronged, Young Master Lan! What happened to the rules? What-"

He was cut off swiftly by a pair of lips that he longed to get familiar with. Though he didn't think he'd ever grow sick of it. Something in him tied him to the stunning boy before him, bound him deeply in ways he hadn't thought were possible. He set alight something in his stomach, in his heart, in his soul. They burst into flame near him, though they were more of a river of fire. One that streamed through him steadily, breaking down each and every barrier in his heart, eroding his doubts and fears, setting them to ease. Warm fingers entangled themselves in his hair, and Wei Ying shuddered, collapsing into his touch, just as his fingers danced across pale skin, pulling at the ribbon across his forehead. He threw it to the ground, letting the silver cloud ornament clatter to the ground, not caring what it meant.

It was the two of them.

Together, in the witness of the moon, who clothed them in her loving embrace, giving them her blessings as she aced back to her other half, the Sun. One would not make it completely without the other, and the Earth would not run the same way without it. Whether both were essential to each other were nil, but one thing was certain.

They were better together.

There was nothing like the love between the pair, equivocal and powerful. It came in waves and throes, just as it did small, shattered fragments. It was something about it that neither could place a finger on, could never control. Love was something that came easily and rarely left.
Love was omnipresent, even if it faded.
And love was the unbreakable thread that bound them, that brought them back to each other.

"I will love you in each and every lifetime of mine, Lan Wangji, Lan Zhan. I don't care how long it takes, how much it takes, but I swear to love you in every lifetime of mine." Wei Ying swore, silver eyes filled with love, with a joy that pit Wangji at ease. One that he knew the former hadn't seen in a while, that meant the world to him.

" I love you too, Wei Wuxian. Wei Ying. No matter what names you bear, no matter who you are, my heart will still love you. In whatever universe, in any lifetime of mine."

"I promise." Their voices rang out in silvery unison, genuine simkes circling their faces.

And they sealed that promise with another kiss.

A/N: DracosForever .here's the story! No idea why I wrote it, but here it is... I might edit it another time though...

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