gae four - ateez seonghwa ft yeosang

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"hey!" she shouts as a warm hand grasps her forearm from behind. seulgi turns to glare at the stranger but in front of her was a familiar face she didn't expect to see. "oh, it's just you."

yeosang looks away, scoffing just before he meets her eyes again, "just me? i was waiting to see when you would leave the school so we could talk, i can't believe you did that to us."

"did what?" she asks, genuinely curious but he saw through the innocence that she was feigning, a mere act of self-defense. "i don't know what you're talking about!"

"you tricked us and went behind our backs," he spits out and she freezes, able to do nothing but stare back at his intense eyes that held such rage. "why do you care anyway? it's just a crush."

"so what if it's just a crush?" yeosang lets go of her now and sighs heavily, lowering his voice down from before. seulgi tilts her head, figuring out how to identify him, wondering why he was suddenly dropping his act, wanting to push him farther than he had been earlier. "you like her, not him."

"what?!" he exclaims and she shakes her head to throw him off. "i'm right, huh?"

he's confused and even seulgi knows that, but with every step she takes towards him, it causes him to tumble back, to wind down into the boy he was; and she liked that.

she knew yeosang didn't like her and the very words that left his lips soon after didn't change her mind at all. yeosang never likes anyone so it was baffling when he said, "yeah, i like her, so what?"

seulgi raises a brow, almost mocking him in fake amusement, and it was only a number of steps until he stopped backing away, until only he stood in front of her, frozen. she takes it in the moment to lean, but the boy barely moves a muscle, his own body telling him he was wanting it more than he was willing to admit.

"see," her whisper, so near that it's right against his skin, causes his heart to beat a few paces quicker than usual, "even if i lean even an inch closer, you still wouldn't move away... so you shouldn't have lied."

and with that, the girl walks away, freely, leaving yeosang with a mind full of emptiness; he couldn't even think. why had he stopped her in the first place again?

• • •


"why did he say that?" you ask from the edge of the bed and she shrugs but somehow you're not believing the whole story. "why did he say that he likes you?"

seulgi doesn't look up from her phone but instead, begins to play music and soon she was tuning you out. you throw a pillow at her, which she tosses back and it hits you right in the face.

the two of you only stare at each other with large eyes in silence before you break it with a simple three words, "i'm telling dad!"

"no, wait-!" rushed footsteps are heard after you but it was already too late, or was it? seulgi was able to reach you and pull you by the arm but you slip out of her hold.

grunting, she strikes again, this time, catching a grasp of your sweatpants and the waistband stretches but you don't care, only the thought of ratting her out on your mind.

"ew, with those granny panties i don't even know why he pretended to like y—" she gasps, stopping herself from continuing and you slip about two steps down the stairs until you stick your foot in between the railing. "hold up, sis, he said what?"

that's how you forced her to tell you what actually happened.

• • •


"why did she say that?" seonghwa asks from other side of the counter and his friend shrugs but somehow he's not believing the whole story. "why did she say that she likes you?"

yeosang's holding his sandwich up in his hands but hasn't taken a bite yet, barely even focusing on his friend. why had he said those words to her earlier that day? it wasn't like he was intending on making her jealous and it wasn't that he even cared at all.

"dude, are you okay?" he asks, genuinely worried about how his friend has been blankly staring off into space each and every other minute ever since they had left the school. "you've been in and out of it, are you stressed? and if not, then are you horny?"

yeosang squints his eyes and gives seonghwa a look of disappointment, "do you really think i'm that simple? homie, i don't get 'horny'."

"then hopefully you don't blame the girl when she can't get you hard." the older boy mutters under his breath and yeosang shakes his head.

"bruh, my bad, i'm just trying to figure out if anything would have changed if i hadn't said i liked ___." the spoken detail was unfamiliar to seonghwa so he asks, "wait, what did you say?"

"that i liked ___—oh shit!" seonghwa's soul doesn't rest before he's literally climbing over the counter, ready to throw hands as his friend flees to safety, ducking himself under one of many empty tables. thank the heavens they closed early so seonghwa could do whatever he wished.

"it's not anything like that," yeosang defends, swinging his own self side to side to dodge the chunk of bread his friend had swiped off one of the counters. "i didn't mean what i said! i don't even know why i said it!"

seonghwa was upset, angry, frustrated; how could his friend do such a thing. then again, it wasn't like he was going to do anything about his feelings anyway. so when he finally got a hold of himself, seonghwa let the boy speak and explain. "fam, you better have the greatest explanation before i shank-shank you with my mother-fucking sword."

"that's bread—" the younger boy corrects but stops himself when he holds the pointed crust up to his neck. damn, now it's inedible.

that's how he forced him to tell him what actually happened.

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