the bet three - ateez demon line 21+

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[ahah... we ain't done with this yet 😏]


"fuck, look at the way you look now. so beautiful and wrecked from seonghwa's cum filling you up so good. it's all dripping out of you, baby."

hongjoong whispers against your ear, resisting the temptation to bite your skin.

the boy's hovering over your form, trapping you under with his body, asserting dominance he has over you.

you let out a whimper when hongjoong pulls your head forward, roughly collecting your lips in his.

goddamn it, you've snapped like the baby you are.

you wanted more, needed more of this touch as you desperately ground yourself against him, body hungry for a release.

"after being fucked, you're still so eager to have another dick up in you, baby. i knew you couldn't have gotten a way with me as a dom."

he grins and lets his cock slide against your pussy lips, the very action with his throbbing length giving you the friction you needed.

it felt nice, this felt all too nice.

you needed to pull yourself together and get shit done, the night hasn't ended yet.

you're moaning before your arms wrap fully around the boy, bringing your lips to his ear.

"sit on the bed."

hongjoong gives you a smirk but thinks nothing of it as he situates himself onto the bed, awaiting for your body to meet his again.

san was the only one who was still tied up, his restraints nearly impossible to break through so how the hell did seonghwa and hongjoong untie themselves.

the poor boy kept whining and felt himself grow weaker with every twitch of his throbbing dick.

seonghwa looked over to laugh before untying the sensitive boy who hasn't gotten a way with you yet.

you grunt, still in need of a release as you pull yourself away from the bed, leaving a very confused and dumbfounded hongjoong behind.

san's tired eyes are closed and wet from how much he had been wanting your touch.

you walk over to him and place a kiss onto his lips, holding his face when your lips meet, giving him the satisfaction he had wished for all night.

the boy easily melted into your touch when you stood up and backed up onto the bed, earning glares from the previous boy you had gotten entangled with.

san forces himself onto your body and you allow yourself to fall onto the bed, an excited and good boy thriving over you.

hongjoong lets out another scoff of amusement.

you'll fuck these wussies of doms but you won't do anything with him at all?

this was absolutely fucking ridiculous.

the boy you're kissing cannot contain the urge to slide himself into you, feeling your warm walls take him in so good.

"damn, that feels so nice. i feel so good. you make me feel so good that it hurts."

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