long time no see! + important news

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hey guys! it's meee

all of sudden i've just stopped writing lol

i wanted to inform all you readers that i am officially going to end this book soon after being with it for like almost two years now!

it's been a while omg

i'm thinking of making another multifandom imagine book like this but i'm not sure because i feel like i might lack the motivation to continue writing

also school is really keeping me busy and i'm always so tired and stressed all the time so i can't find the right times to write

i'm sorry that i'll have to end this book soon but i appreciate all the reads, votes, and comments you guys have done!

thanks for at least interacting :<

let me know if you guys would enjoy a book two and before i officially mark (lee) this book as "completed",

i'd like to know what kind of short fics you guys are interested in and hopefully i'll be able to write them even better in the new book

thank you guys so much for a great time (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

and i'll see you guys very soon! ♡

love, lala

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