sickness - nct yuta

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yuta's hands are fumbling with the doorknob, trying to make sense of why his key won't automatically unlock it.

when the door opens, your boyfriend lets out a sigh before turning on the lights to see your sleeping form on the couch, uncovered with a blanket.

again you stayed up awaiting his arrival in the home you shared.

yuta sets down his bag and walks over to you, slipping the nearby blanket over your body.

you're still awake but he's unaware until your voice breaks through the silence of the room.

"you're home?"

it wasn't a question more so almost as if you were insisting it.


he hums out before he takes off his hoodie before throwing it onto the other couch and you could feel his body heat from across the room.

water drips down his forehead and just enough you're feeling a sickness develop in your system again.

there had been something wrong, not wrong necessarily, with you but you just weren't feeling well these days.

and when yuta walked through the front door, you couldn't help but feel the uneasiness fill you up.

"where were you?"

the question leaves your lips out of curiosity but yuta only shrugs.

"i was at practice, babe. why? were you feeling sick again?"

his voice sounds so normal, so regularly like yuta that you couldn't even tell if something was off.

yuta was beside you again, standing over you to place his cold palm over your forehead but you grab his wrist and lightly pushed it away.

his expression falters and you sit up, eyes lifting to meet his.

"mark told me that practice ended at ten. did you stay back alone?"

"something like that."

his eyes are uncertain of his answer but he smiles anyway.

"you should lay down, baby. get all the rest you can."

yuta gently places you back onto the pillow but you sit up again, the uneasiness growing more and more.

"i think i'm fine."

you spit out, a bit harsher than you had expected and yuta is taken aback, lips parting slightly in shock.

why were you getting so upset at him now?

it was not the first time he's gotten home late.

"are you mad at me? did i do something?"

he asks in a wavering tone but you sigh and shake your head.

"i'm so sorry, baby. i've just been feeling so weird lately."

you agree to lay back down and close your eyes as he caresses your hair.

"but i have to ask, why are you sweating and why did you come home almost an hour and a half later?"

yuta only chuckles at your curiosity, letting himself walk over to his bag, and in his hands were things you had not been expecting.

"my parents came to visit my sister so i was over there at her house for a while and i told my mom all about how you had been feeling. she gave me these."

he unravels his hands and sure enough you're just as surprised as your boyfriend is.

in one hand, he was holding some leaves wrapped in foil, definitely herbs.

and in the other, yuta was holding a box that contained two pregnancy tests.

"yuta... i—"

"look, i know we're still young and we have careers and paths that we want to take but i just wanted to tell you that i love you and whatever happens i'll take responsibility for."

after hearing his words, you don't know if you want to kiss him or hug him but it seems his arms were already wrapping around you, placing his chin on your shoulder.

"i love you, too, yuta."

you're smiling and it almost feels as if your heart could just jump out of your chest within an instant.

then yuta's pulling away, eyes carefully searching yours for any signs of objection.

"so will you take the tests?"

• • •

a year later and the both of you could never be happier.

you had a family everyone adored and yuta had a daughter and a son to look after.

yuta was exploding in his career and continued to have many supportive fans everywhere.

even after choosing to release his passions to the public in an industry where it's usually looked down upon, he continued to make it work because the ones he really needed were always with him.

[that means if you gon hate cause your oppa/unnie/noona/hyung wants to find love then 꺼져]

[im jk y'all can do whatever y'all want but please keep in mind that idols are not your property and you do not own them]

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