nine a.m. continued - stray kids chan [suggestive]

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[some of y'all asked for a part two- and by some, i mean like two people lol so i was like why not?]


even after work hours, you are still there in your office, dreading what tonight would be like when you leave the building and see chan's car parked in front of there. he would be waiting, with a cigarette apparent between his fingers but he'd only bring it to his lips and take less than ten puffs before throwing it onto the ground and grinding it with his foot.

chan did not smoke, he never did and he never felt that it was necessary to do so in life but when you asked him why he did what he did, he would never tell you. chan's lost in this world, driving and searching for a place he could feel safe yet he keeps endangering himself by passing the red lights.

you had to let him know things did not work that way, so there you were, in the lobby about to leave and for whatever reason, you are not at nervous as you are each night. it is almost a feeling of relief as you walk out of there, ready to give up on everything.

the sky has already darkened after the sun had let itself sleep, but if you looked to the left, where the third pillar of your building stands, you would see him there. instead of the cigarette there with him, he brings something else, and from far away they look a lot like a bouquet.

you could not react to it, the way chan kept the flowers lowered by his side when you approached him, "what are those?"

"oh these?" he looks to the thing and lets out a brief chuckle, "my date tonight asked me to buy her flowers but didn't show up."

that was the thing that kept you from seeing chan most of the nights. it was that he was still actively trying to date other people when at the end of the night, no one would make him feel as much as you do, literally.

"sucks," you mumble and begin in the opposite direction, telling yourself you just could not tonight.

it was not often that you would walk away and find the nearest bus stop, heading to your apartment from there then having a glass of wine in the comfort of your own apartment. even then, chan would not follow you, knowing it was not his place to stop you or your actions.

except when you hear following footsteps and his voice, you do not hesitate to stop, "i was kidding, they're for you!"

"cut the bullshit!" you shout at him and maybe it was all the pent up anger resided within you that made you want to dispose of him and every one in your life until you were alone like you were beforehand.

he scoffs, not for any particular reason, but for the one where he can see that you're fuming with rage and the sexual tension just would not keep itself still. chan responds, "you cut the bullshit."

"excuse me?" you cross your arms, wondering why you were still here with someone so undeserving of your love and affection. he stares right into your eyes, narrowed and all, "yeah, that's right, i said what i said."

the flames burn even more when you turn around again but not before saying, "you're such an asshole."

"so? what about it?" chan flings the bouquet, not giving a single care about the goddamn thing as it hits the concrete and he begins to follow in your footsteps behind, "what are you going to do about it?"

you angrily huff out, without stopping in your tracks, "i'm not going to do anything about it because i'm a responsible adult."

"what about all those irresponsible nights spent with me? do they sound responsible?" he is taunting you now and you can feel it, the urge to just turn around and do something so horrendous, but you are not sure which one holds more control over you.

"don't i make you want to call me names? shout, scream, and yell until your voice is as hoarse as that night? find reasons to block me then let me into your apartment at 2am just to feel your back pressed against the mattress?"

then it comes and you slap him, hard across the cheek. he gazes at you, unsurprised, while he swabs the inside of his cheek with a tongue, feeling the sting increase as he does so. then he says, "how does it feel?"

"like hell," your vision, blurred by the tears, does not let you to fully process the way that chan steps a little closer and swipes his thumb across your cheek, smearing mascara. when he leans in, you let yourself back up, "don't."

chan is confusing you, confusing himself, and giving you every reason to hate him and more, but when he hears you mutter that one single word, he knows every inch of you is lying. he pulls you back to his form, soft lips attaching themselves to yours in no rush.

you can taste that he has not had a single cigarette yet today and it is almost funny the way you melt into him instantly. chan breaks away, lining his eyes up with yours before whispering, "i'm sorry for everything you've had to endure because of me, but please can you just let me in once again?"

yet even as he apolgises, you do not feel an ounce of remorse because the moment you let him into your sheets that very first night, you knew what you were getting yourself into, and the next time you get in between the sheets with him, made it worth every second.

you barely make it to the bedroom before chan's removing your work pants, bringing your thighs up to wrap and cling to him as he stumbles to the bedroom, drunk on the taste of your lips.

you are grinning throughout, feeling the rush of every night deep within flush through your blood. he sets you on the bed and easily, you let him in. he kisses from your lower stomach in a line up to your chest and you feel your skin tingle under every kiss.

chan's lips find yours moments later, and when he kisses you, he mumbles, "i love you, i love you."

"i love you, too." you whisper, knowing tonight would be a lie.

• • •


daylight hits his room a bit more than yesterday morning through the see-through curtains, blasting in even more warmth to soothe your body as chan lays beside you still in his usual deep slumber. upon early mornings, before the clock strikes nine, you're already awake and ready to gather your items to slip between the doors—

• • •

[how was that? :< did you figure out what happened?]

[edit; okay so i see that a few of you are confused so a lot of you guys might be, too. the idea was that this fic, even though i've published it as "continued", this particular scenario was written to show all that took place the evening before the nine a.m fic where chan asked the MC to stay without implying it. if you guys would like, i'll write a part three to show what happens after chan asks]

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