before continued - nct chenji

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"if i am going to be honest with myself and my feelings, i'd like to say that i think i like you way more than i would have imagined. for these past few weeks, i'm not sure if i could have handled the thought of you with someone else."

he confesses truthfully, a small voice hiding behind his shyness.

"y-you like me? like actually? this better not be a joke, i'm not in the mood for your dumb games."

the disbelief in you rattled your bones, growing the doubt you've planted in mind.

"i'm not lying, i have genuine feelings for you and i don't know how to contain them anymore."

to be frank, he was quite afraid to tell you how he felt and what lied in his heart.

he wouldn't usually be one to confess first but with all that was occurring, he had to because there was no other choice.

"i really like you, too..."

you say, finally admitting to your feelings also for the young boy.

the joy in him lit up his body, creating sparks of love that exploded from within him which gave him the confidence he's never had before.

"... chenle."

• • •


"jisung, jisung, jisung!"

you exclaim, skipping to the boy standing beside the water fountain with a bright and wide smile on your lips.

"i missed youuu!"

jisung laughs and you hug him abruptly before he wraps his arms around you gently, pulling away after.

"what is it? what has gotten you so hyper and happy?"

he questions, crossing his arms with an arched brow.

with your current mood of sparkles and glitter, it might be a plus for him to do it right now.

jisung should just stick with his gut and kiss you like he had planned days earlier.

he stepped towards your figure, closing the gap between the both of you, leaning in more within the passing seconds.

"chenle asked me to be his girlfriend."

his heart stopped pumping blood for a mere second as he pulled himself together in front of you.

after hearing the words that had left your lips, he wasn't sure if he had been mistaken or if he was just plain dumb.

however, you don't read the signs and pull jisung in for another hug, squeezing him tight against you.

the tall boy can feel his heart grow weaker in his chest, beating with every single inch of its being to the fullest of its ability as you held him close.

"i-is that so?"

he finally speaks up, pulling himself away to give you a tender-hearted smile that seemed believable.

you nod with a grin as you perform a victory dance in front of your best friend.

jisung laughs but he knew well deep inside that the laugh meant nothing at all.

"now what was that important thing you had to say?"

you ask, halting your actions and calming down to return to your default normal human form.

jisung shows a subtle smile and shakes his head, bringing a hand up to hold your cheek, his thumb caressing your soft and plump skin.

"i'm so fucking in love with you."

he says in his mind.

IMAGINE WANTING LOVE | kpop multifandom ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang