gae three - ateez seonghwa ft. yeosang

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[seulgi in this is not from red velvet, i just needed characters]


she's peacefully eating her sandwhiches, two of them because a girl's got to eat, right? seulgi's eating, minding her own business even though the two younger boys from her school kept staring at her and looking at her funny.

it was absolutely terrifying, almost because of how much they were doing so and because of how creepy they made it seem. then, the shorter boy walked over, in a way that seemed casual but seulgi knew it was far from his normal walking.

"hi, there, i'm yeosang," he says with a nice smile that could easily mislead others into thinking he was insane. "my friend and i have grown some interest in you the past eight minutes and a half."

"oh, okay," seulgi returned to her eating and shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "can i help you with something?"

yeosang's eyes light up and he turns to the other boy behind the counter, the one who took and served her, "did you hear that? she asked if she could help us, what do you want me to say?"

she could tell the taller boy was frustrated with how wild his friend was being because he smiled and then turned around to face opposite them with clenched fists. however, yeosang catches her attention once again, off-guard, "so, there's this girl my friend likes and we kind of think—well—we have an idea that she likes you, do you think you can help us? like, you know, throw her feelings off or whatever?"

"you can't just make someone stop liking someone, it won't work," seulgi says but yeosang seems puzzled, "how do you know i don't like her back? that we're not dating? that i don't like girls, too?"

he really thinks about it for a second and then speaks, "well, i don't really care because my friend is desperate, like really desperate, and your help would be very much appreciated."

seulgi sighs and places her arms onto the table and leans on her hands, "fine, what'll i get in return."

the boys hadn't thought about it, yet even mention it to one another how their plan would start nor what'll happen when it ends but one thing was clear, she was not helping unless she received something, too. an eye for an eye, is the phrase.

"that's actually really funny, you see," yeosang pauses to look back at his friend, "if you help us then you'll get... free sandwiches for a day."

"only a day?" she repeats and furrows her brows, "what if i want more than that?"

yeosang twiddles his thumbs, "okay, then how about two days?"

seulgi rolls her eyes and parts her lips, "let's do this, if i help you guys and he gets the girl or whatever, then you have to do my homework for a whole month."

"ugh, okay, fine!" he groans and the two shake on it.

when seulgi leaves, she orders two more sandwiches and takes them to go.

• • •


"bye," she says in that sweet voice of hers, "wait by the door and then we'll eat together."

"okay, okay, just go now!" you laugh and wave off at seulgi and walk towards the school building. she drives off somewhere, who knows where, but he doesn't hear anything else until it's finally making sense in his mind.

"holy shit." he says to himself, he's got to find his friend, now.

• • •


"... dude, and that's where they probably are now, making out and all. they're definitely dating!" seonghwa is almost as shook as yeosang as he watches his friend ramble on about what he saw in the morning. "you know they make a really cute pair though, like they're so similar, they match each other."

"i-i just can't believe it, she said she was going to help us and then she just—she just turned on us like that... even after she shook your hand." the boy was upset, rather disappointed that he hadn't made his move quicker and now he wouldn't be able to hold your hand or send you cute messages at all.

yeosang crosses his arms over his chest and taps his foot without realising it, chewing the bit of food in his mouth, "that's true, she did get to shake my hand, and not a lot of people get to."

"what do we do now?" seonghwa asks, standing as he looks down to his friend and yeosang stays silent for a while, wondering what could possibly go on just when he grabs an apple, "okay, i got it."

"what are you gonna do with that?" he's waiting patiently until yeosang bites into the apple, "nothing, i'm just gonna eat it."

seonghwa sighs, "oh, i thought you were planning to throw it at someone."

"why did you seem disappointed when i ate it, though?" yeosang retorts, laughing and almost choking on the large piece of apple in his mouth. "damn it, should've have jongho break this apple in half first."

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