love destiny [cute asf] - ateez seonghwa

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the sky is a wonderful colour of light blue when your best friend starts laughing, his throaty chuckle causing you to grin.

"what's so funny?"

you retort the question and suddenly one of his fingers is raised and he's pointing to a large fluffy cloud of puff in the sky.

"it looks like you."

he states but you're not convinced as your face contorts into a puzzled expression.

you're staring hard at the image but it doesn't ring a bell until a familiar picture is starting to create in your mind.

"really? it looks a little bit like a pig."


he answers without any hesitations and you're quick to reach over and punch his arm before shifting your eyes to seonghwa.

your boyfriend smiles back at you, crinkling his nose to annoy you even more.

the wind blows softly and swiftly within the cooling park air, the sun's rays not causing much of a conflict to either of you.

the feeling of laying here with seonghwa is peaceful, gentle, so you feel protected and wrapped like a baby in a bundle of love.

all is perfectly well until he turns to face you, eyes grazing your every feature that he loves.

"what do you think of us?"

he asks all of sudden, the question immediately alerts you before you're even able to process what has left his lips.

"are you happy with me?"

this was a question you could answer with no hesitation but the words that scrambled in your mind did not allow you a chance to express the answer you could have possibly gave him.

so with no words, your hand shifts to hold a side of his face, gazing at your love so endearingly it would have made others sick to their stomach.

your thumb grazes over his cheek, feeling warmth from the blush he was not sporting.

he was truly someone too beautiful for the world and what made him even more special was that he belongs to you.

"i couldn't ever be happier, hwa."

you say and the corners of his lips raise slightly.

"i love you so much it hurts to even be alone."

"is that so?"

seonghwa retorts before using his hands to pull you closer towards him, causing the picnic blanket below the two of you to crinkle within the movement.

he places a finger onto the bridge of your nose and slides it down to the tip of your nose before raising it slightly, revealing your true form.

"oh my god, you are a pig!"

he whispers and you groan before playfully kicking his stomach lightly to move yourself away from the boy as he breaks out into a chortle.

"i hate you, we're breaking up."

as soon as the words leave your mouth, his arms are quickly pulling you back into his form, wrapping around your figure tightly.


seonghwa pouts and you sigh.

"that's what i thought."

you add on with a smirk before turning to look at him again.

"so what about you? what do you think about us?"

the boy doesn't even hesitate before giving you an answer that brings a smile to your lips.

"baby, we're a love destiny."

• • •

lmfao do y'all like wanna follow me-

if not then you a pig, too

i'm jk- ily owo

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