operation; midnight date - ateez yunho

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[crack asf]


the rock that pattered against your window pane was enough to bring out of your ever so lasting peaceful slumber.

rushing to see the culprit, the curtains are pushed aside to reveal your one and only boyfriend who's grinning brightly when he sees your awakened form, hair rustled up and eyes scrunched up together as if you've just kick-boxed a kangaroo.

your confused expression makes him laugh as he silently waves a hand for you to come down and see him, bright smile visible.

a groan leaves your lips before you throw your hair up into a messy bun, light feet hitting the stair steps before you near the door.

the front door is opened and you step out, quietly shutting the door behind you as yunho pants, halting in front of your vision.

he had just ran from your bedroom window side to the front door, now exhausted but a large grin decorating his face.

"i know... you just... woke up... but i've been... thinking all night... so let's go... on a date."

yunho make out through the sentence with heavy pants before he moves forward, awaiting to see your reaction.

instead he's met with a tired glare from you and the un-surprised expression you wore.

"yunho, it's midnight."

you comment and the boy only slides your hand into his, carefully leading you to his parked car.


he responds and you pull your hand away, looking back to your house and the window of your parent's bedroom.

"wait, but what about my parents? they might know i'm out."

yunho opens the passenger door and you simply get in.

"you'll be back before you know it... i mean, you could also say you spent the night at a friend's place."

he says, getting in the driver's seat.

you narrow your eyes and sigh.

"they literally saw and heard me say goodnight to them before i entered my room."

yunho pauses to think and after a short while, he beams up.

"i got it! we'll go out all night and then at the last twenty minutes before they wake up, we'll return and i'll park like eight blocks away so we can tip-toe all the way to your house and hide in the bushes for like two minutes because that's what they do in spy movies before we climb up your water pipe and then you can unlock your window and open it before climbing in and then i'll hold onto the water pipe real tight so i don't fall off and then we can have our goodbye kiss before i scurry back down like a mouse and then crawl on the ground camouflaged in the sun like a rattle snack and then drive off home."

"we cannot do all that yunho, it's too sus—did you just say 'rattle snack'?"

you turn to him and he laughs.


you're laughing out loud before hitting his arm playfully, drawing a laugh out of your boyfriend with your funky laugh of a monster.

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