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Muku's bright blue eyes watch in awe as the floating jellyfishes slowly faded into thin air

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Muku's bright blue eyes watch in awe as the floating jellyfishes slowly faded into thin air. With eyes still widen, he looks over his new companion as if telling her, 'did you see that?!' making she giggle.

"That's all I can do for you." Said the middle-aged man wearing a pair of rimless glasses with short light blue colored-hair. Breathing out in relief and wipe the sweat off his forehead. "Now, make sure that you don't push yourself too hard. Do you understand?" He states in a stern tone.

Kana visibly flinch. Her eyes twitch nervously, and she quickly everts from looking directly into the healer's eyes.

The day after the incident where her Captain told her that she wouldn't be allowed to participate in any missions, she was introduced to the Clover Kingdom's best healer, a high-rank healing mage, Owen.

The man genuinely lives out of his nickname as the best healer; Kana's deep wound in her abdomen was fixed in the amount of short Time with his spell's help. But she also noticed that he used a large amount of mana to activate Mizu Kaifuku Mahō: Kuvare Operation (Water Healing Magic: Qualle Operation). It made her feel guilty for burdening the older man.

She also needs to do regular check-ups to recover her internal organ fully, and today is her fifth Time and supposedly the last session. She was only required to check with him until the second or third sessions, but unfortunately, Asta wasn't the only stubborn child who came from Hage's church; the girl could also beat his records.

After her first and last mission, the red-haired girl started to train herself from dawn to sunset. She knows that to get stronger; she needs to train harder than she used to, which also takes a toll on her body and even effecting her body recovering speed.

Owen glares, fully aware of what she has been doing when he told her to rest; she obviously does the opposite.

"If I being call again because you cause the wound to worsen again, not even your captain can help you get away from me." His tone causes a chill to run through her spine.

"I-I understand." She stutter, pouting childishly.

"Good girl." Owen smile warmly, patting her head. "I need to get back to the city now." He states while packing his medical bag. "Make sure to rest, and this time a real rest. No training for a few days." Owen looks over Muku, who has been chasing his tail. "Can I entrust you to make sure that she won't train?"

Muku stops mid-air, which he about to bite his tail and glance over the man. "Ku~~" He cheers loudly and narrows his eyes over the red-haired girl giving her a warning 'I'm watching you.'

Kana snort and scratch his snort, making him sneeze from the itchiness. "My hero." She adds sarcastically, watching the beast shook his head and his snort twitching, still feeling itchy.

Owen shakes his head in amuse. He was quite surprised when he first met the pair or met a real-life dragon for the first time in his life. He heard rumors among the nobles that a peasant from Crimson Lion had a dragon companion who also helped capture illegal hunters and expose nobles who worked behind it all.

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