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A/N: First of all, I'm truly sorry for not posting any updates for so long. I just start going back to work from 11 a.m; until 9 p.m, which have been tiring. This chapter has been left hanging for a few days, and now I have finally finished editing it. 

I want to post it on Christmas, but my workplace gets even more hectic, and I instantly pass out when I come home. And yes, I need to work during the holidays, how fabulous was that?

Anyways, thank you for being patient with me and. I really sorry about this, but I will try to steal some time to write a few chapters up ahead. 

Thank you for reading, and HAPPY NEW YEAR, GUYS!!!!

May 2021 be better than 2020

"There you go." The older woman presented a three-tier lunch box wrap furoshiki decorated with petals of cherry blossom.

Kana sweat with Muku drools by her side. "T-thank you, but this may be too much for me."

"Nonsense!" Brushing the younger girl's words. "I make just enough for both of you."


Sighing at her little comrade. "Of course, you agree with her. By the way, what's up with shrimp? He looks like he wants to set my hair on fire."

"Ignore him." The vice-captain, Randalf, the state with his mutual expression of creepy-smile as the girl's called it. He took a sip of his morning tea and added. "He just bitter about our squad wasn't able to join the mission over the new discover dungeon."

"Heh~ So? What's it got to do with me?"

Kagaya, an older girl with long dark brown hair whose another senior of her by two years came from a noble family intercept as she appears out of nowhere. She has a loud personality that reminded her of Asta, but she can sometimes be a pain since she wasn't a fan of commoners joining Magic Knights. "It seems that you chose to join those missions along with that magic-less Black Bull and four-clover guy. They also send three-men per squad that meant that if you go, he may go too, but-"

"I was suspended and can't join any missions whatsoever, am I right?" Kana cut her off, earning a scoff from the older girl. She glanced over the vice-captain. "Why can't someone else go?"

"It seems like Magic King chose you personally. Since you can't go, no one else can." The man calmly explains.

"Is that so?" Kana nods, understanding, then glances over the youngest Vermillion. "Suck it."

Irk marks appear all over the boy's head, and he angrily shouts. "You little- do you know how important that dungeon is?!"



Leopold furiously scratches his head making his hair poke out of everywhere. "Damn you!"

Kana stuck her tongue out, walking away with Muku happily follow her with their lunchbox on top of his head.

-Clover Kingdom-

Lowering the broom down to the ground, they arrive right in front of the castle. Two days ago, the girl received a letter from the Magic King telling her that he wants to discuss the attack on her village more, which is why she was there.

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