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The bell rings as Kana open the door as she walks out of the clothes' store.

"Please come again!" The lady cheered, happily bidding her customer farewell, to which Kana modestly smiled and nodded.

As much as she hated to admit it. She has grown a few inches, and most of her clothes, whether worn out or have too many patches from training.

With little money lefts, she managed to buy a few new clothes and buy some souvenirs for the people back at the church. Kana sent more than half her pay to Sister Lily, but the young girl loves how happy those children would be if they were introduced to new sweets they never had back at Hage village.

After returning to the base alongside the other members after her release, Yuko-san engulfed her into a bear hug and wailed so loud that Kana swore that she lost her left hearing for two days.

As touching the reunion can be, the young lioness, later on, underwent an earful scolding from Yuko-san along with Randalf for acting recklessly. They thoroughly appreciated the red-haired intentions of helping their captain, but what if the worse scenarios happened? What if she was on the bed and not Fuegoleon? Worse, what if it cost her life?

Kana won't say it out loud at that moment. Instead, she somewhat wished that she was lying on the bed, not her captain.

After having a long lecture from other seniors that joined along, seeing that Kana wasn't on her feisty side, the poor girl only led to getting two hours of sleep despite having a week off.

The following day, Kana decided to visit her tiny animal kingdom, and as she expected or too much, they tackled her so hard that she could almost see her soul drift out of her body.

The wildlings bombard her with serials screeching, growling, bellowing and more. Muku merely watches from afar, not aching to get into the chaotic scene. Still, he could sense that the other creatures were worrying over the human's unexpected disappearance. They can feel that something has occurred to her since the raccoon always sneaking into the base reported that it can't find the human girl anywhere in the fortress.

Thus, Kana can't really understand what they were implying, but she can feel their distress, making her apologize to them and offer the wildling lunch boxes that she made specials for them.

The days after that didn't change much—just her visiting Fuegoleon alongside Leopold or others who wish to come, training, resting, etc.

Kana was actually displeased with her training nowadays as her captain was the one who would point out her wrong, and now, just the image and ghostly voice of him crawling her ears.

Today, she chose to spoil herself by shopping and to laze around the rebuilt city. Few people that recognize her will graciously thank her, and some even offer a warm smile. But as usual, not everyone was happy to see her walking freely while her captain was still in bad shape.

There are still lingering nasty looks from a few squad members who still don't believe her innocent, and the rumours of her being a member of Midnight Sun are still being whispered around.

'The price of freedom' She always remind herself.

Muku gleefully took a big bite of the kebab that Kana extended and screeched in delight. He was the happiest among all to see the flame user finally walk free as the young beast was the only creature that knew the truth. However, he can feel the sorrow when he watches the human girl drifting away while basking under the moonlight by the window.

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