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"Here you go—" Julius presented the young lioness her bracelet, and instantly Muku emerged out of the charm

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"Here you go—" Julius presented the young lioness her bracelet, and instantly Muku emerged out of the charm.

The young beast encircles himself around his human and lets out loud purring from missing her company.

A week have passed since the attacks, and Kana has been held as a prisoner all days. She constantly had her memories look onto and interrogate for hours on every passing day.

She was released under Julius's order, seeing that no loophole or shreds of evidence show that Kana was a part of the Midnight Sun or associated with the enemy.

The Wizard King won't speak out loud that the lioness released wasn't taken lightly by most people, including the Clover Kingdom's current king.

Augustus Kira Clover XIII was among those who didn't agree over her freedom. Still, Julius succeeded to be soft-spoken with the king, and to supports his words, some citizens sided with the redhead as she been around saving them instead of attacking the city.

Much to the king's distaste, he agreed to Julius's suggestions knowing that he wasn't his people favourite, and if he did punish the girl who had been called as their lifesaver, he might be ousted.

"Someone seems happy." Kana delightfully nestled onto Muku's rough scales and held the whimper of pain. She offers a grateful smile over the Wizard King, who was silently blooming at the sight of their reunion.

"He misses you. Muku has been fighting around with the guards and even his feeder. Bless those guy hearts." Julius chuckles, recalling the frightened look on Muku caretakers.e

"Lucky for him, I miss him too!" Kana willingly let the young beast cling around her body and prompt his head on her left shoulder. "I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for us." Her expression turns sombre, making Julius frown. "I wish I could help to seek for the people behind all this."

Julius pats her free shoulder reassuringly. "Please don't blame yourself for what happened to your captain. None of us can foretell all this. He is a strong man and a great fighter. So, whoever this attacker is, they must have something up their sleeve that they can win over the great lion."

Kana nods understanding. "Captain is a strong man. He will get through this, right?"

"I believe he will. Now go back to your base; your comrades must be worried about you."

"I highly doubt that—" The flame user shakes her head, disagree. "They might not welcome me back to the base after all this. I failed to save our captain. Hell, I even get away without a scratch, and Captain almost die!"

Julius grins, eyes glimpsing past the young girl as they have been standing in front of the headquarters' front yard pathway. "I don't think they blame you for any of those."

Noticing that the man no longer looking at her, Kana follow his eyesight and jumps at the sight of several people crowding by the end of the path. It was unlikely not to recognize any of them as she could see her squad's signature robe on their shoulders.

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