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"With seven stars earned, Leopold Vermillion of the Crimson Lion Kings."

Kana gives a side glance at her captain and watches the proud smile on his face, then back at the ceremony.

"I grant you the title of Intermediate Magic Knight, Second Class," Julius announces as he presents the Vermillion's youngest child his merit. "You use the same flame magic as your older brother, the Captain of the Crimson Lion Kings. Your power is overwhelming. Make sure you don't go overboard."

"Evil needs no mercy." Leopold state and walk back to where his brother and his junior stood.

Kana's palm starts sweating as the nerve finally hit her.

As if sensing her change, Fuegoleon pats her shoulder and gives her a reassuring smile. "Go on." He motion for her to step up.

Taking a deep breath, she walks upfront with her eyes glued on the Magic King, who offers her a smile.

She stops right on the other side of the table, but she can feel her legs shaking slightly but put up a brave expression.

"With four stars earned, Kana of the Crimson Lion Kings. I grant you Junior Magic Knight, Fourth Class." He passes her the merit which she took it. "You have grown so much in a short time. But remember, you are not alone. You still have your squadmates by your sides and never forget that."

Although his intentions were for good, his words weren't really up for her, but she nods in respect to him. "Thank you." Without any more comments to offer, she walks away.

The ceremony goes on with other members from different squad being called and earned their merits.

A member from Blue Rose, She's a tall woman with green eyes and beautiful brown skin. She sports short, ruffled black hair that fit her style perfectly.

Two members from the Silver Eagles.

Glancing over where their captain, Kana, nods, remembering the man. 'So they are in the same squad as that weird-haired guy.' Blinking few times. 'Silva? Where have I heard that name before?'

Last of them were three men from the Golden Dawn. Members of the same squad as Yuno.

'I wonder where Captain William is?' She thought as she watches the third members of Golden Dawn walk back to his previous place.

"The Golden Dawn has earned a total of 71 stars. They are the clear leaders." Julius announced. "I hope the rest of the squads do their best not to fall behind. Well done, all of you. Now then, there's a simpler reception set up for you, so enjoy yourselves. Oh, I almost forgot. I've invited some special guests today." He makes everyone glance over at the back where Yuno, Asta, Noelle, Klaus, and Mimosa are silently watching.

"Make sure you get to know each other very well." He ends his speech with a laugh.

"You know them?" Leopold whispers over the red-haired girl.

"Two of them come from the same church where I grew up." She explains.

"Something came up, so I have to excuse myself, but have fun!" The Magic King bid his farewell, leaving the five of them in the presence of the others.

Abyss (Black Clover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang