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 "So you guys were summoned by the headquarter to report back about the dungeon's mission?" Kana empathized after hearing their intentions at the headquarters'.

"That's right." Klaus nods, confirming her question. He won't deny the facts that she's a commoner and declared that she would be the one to destroys the Magic Knights.

He fully remembers how furious he was when he first heard the story of a commoner rudely declaring such threats toward the captains, including Captain Vangeance.

Many members even think of attacking the girl by themselves, but after as if their captain knows fully well their thoughts, they have been warned not to cause trouble, and she wasn't at any fault.

Despite the distaste feeling he had for her, Klaus decided to be civil with the younger girl since, from his observation, Asta and Yuno seem to believe in her and even showing how close they are among each other.

He even concludes that despite Asta's airhead attitude and Yuno's stories, Kana wasn't as bad as the rumors he heard around. Most of them saying how rude and ungrateful peasant she is who also disrespects the nobles and even royals.

Given that he a noble-born child, Klaus knows how high his status is above her, but the past months after finding himself getting close with Yuno and Asta coming into his life, the man found his heart and thought slowly opening to those who status below him. Instead of looking down at them for being a mere commoner, he learns to look at them on the same level as any living humans being.

Pushing up his glass, Klaus intercepts the conversation between the trio talking among them as they all want to catch up with each other after a long time apart. "If I'm not wrong, you were off duty for badly injured from your first mission."

"Hm? Oh, that." Kana glance over the older member, shrugging the topic off as it was nothing. "I'm fine now. I got plenty of rest, and now I'm permitted to go back on the field."

Asta narrow his eyes at her that tell how he didn't believe any words she said. "Must be a lot of works for whoever needed to put her on bed rest. Poor guy." He lowly whispers to Yuno, who nods in agreement.

"Nee, Kana-chan." The shortest boy glance over his childhood friend, frowning. "Is that why you didn't write back for a while?"

"Yeah~" She scratches the back of her neck. "I'm sorry about that. I kind of having a hole through my stomach for a while."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Laughing out loud while wiping non-existing tears, Asta pats her back, making her stumble forward a few times.

While he is laughing so hard, thinking that she's joking, Yuno's expression turns pale as he looks at her in worried.

"Aren't you supposed to rest?" His eyes darted on every inch of her body, making sure that she wasn't showing any signs of pain.

Kana sigh, watching Yuno staring intensely at her in worry. An image of a younger version of him flashes over his side, making her smile. "Don't worry. I'm fine now. I was on observation all through my recovery. Although, thank you for worrying about me, but honestly, I'm feeling alright now." Tilting her head a little, she smiles lovingly at him.

A small pair of blushes creep over his cheeks. Yuno's pupils shine, and he can feel his heart beating so hard that he almost choked on his breath. "I—I-If you said so......"

The other three awkwardly standing behind them, not knowing what to do in such a situation except for Asta, as he didn't feel awkward at all from being around the two of them for so long.

"I have never seen Yuno act like this before!" Mimosa whisper-yell as she, along with Klaus, gape at the rare sight.

Klaus's eye twitches as he watches Yuno turning into an entirely different person. "I don't even know anything anymore."

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