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A/N: Another chapter that is 50/50 for me. Maybe because there's isn't much on my oc. But this is the first time I finish many chapter in few days and a few of them was so long that they reached 2500++ words.

Oh well, thank you for reading this story. Please leave some of your opinions and vote for it. 

-Tower Master's Office-

"Well, I can understand Yuno..." Father Orsi start. "But are you really considering allowing Asta to take the exam, too?"

"Well, he's saying wants to do it." The older man simply states. "And the ones I was counting on.." He trails off remembering two other candidates who have forfeit from joining the Magic knights. He sighs loudly. "..decided against taking the exam."

"Again, I believe Yuno will be fine, but I don't think Asta's up for it." The priest state.

"Well, he's saying he wants to do it." The Tower Master dismissingly state, repeating his earlier words.

"Again, I believe Yuno will be fine, but it'll be pointless for Asta to take them."

"Well, he's saying he wants to do it." Again he simply answers then he grins teasingly. "Actually, the idea of Asta going to royal capital makes you feel lonely, doesn't it?" He playfully pokes the priest who nervously sweats from the correct accusation.

"Aw, Father!" Sister Lily join in amusement.

"Th-that's not- I just believe that if he's going to fail anyway, he's better off not taking it in the first place." The priest nervously splutters out words. "A-and you know- The little ones will miss him, too. Not me! But they'll have one less person to play with!"

Sister Lily gave him a close eye smile saying that she knows all too well his real meaning behind those words.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He sweats heavily.

It didn't help as the oldest man keep on patting his shoulder while smirking teasingly.

"Not you too, Tower Master!"

"Well, I'll feel a little lonely with both Yuno and Asta gone, Father." The water magic user fondly smiles.

Father clear his throat. "Well, of course, I raised them, and I've lived with them ever since they were babies." He states as he turns his back from them walking over the door. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit sad to see them go."

"If possible, I'd like for them to stay at the church." Sister state. "But I also want to let them do what they want to do."

"Indeed." The tower master adds. "Besides, you know, Yuno will be fine, and Asta might fail the exam and come right back anyway. You also still have Kana over the church."

"Y-you're right. Right!" Father's face brightens up. "Yuno will be fine, but the other one will come right back." Tears of happiness run down his face as his hands clench together. "And my fiery angel will still be here."

"Ano... About that-" Sister Lily intercept with a smile on her face.

Both of the men glance over her in confusion.


The red hair girl suddenly sneezes and glance around in confusion. "Did someone talking about me?" She mutters rubbing her nose.

Yuno glance over her with a large number of chopped woods floated right behind them. "Are you catching a cold?"

"Don't know?" She tilts her head but a loud voice catches her attention only to see Asta running over them at a quick pace. "That boy." An irk mark appears on her forehead.

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