2783 Capturing the Orc City

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"What's wrong, this array shouldn't be hard for you? If you put in the effort you can learn it easily," Shi Feng asked the little girl.

This magic array he was trying to teach Ember was the key to capturing Ancient Rock City, but it's not something he could do by himself in a short amount of time, so he would require help. Unfortunately he is the only grandmaster magician in the guild.

The closest people to becoming master magicians are Aqua Rose, Violet Cloud, Yi Loufei, and Phoenix Rain. That's why he's trying to teach Ember to do it. With a little effort Ember can learn almost any spell, she can even perform spells above her tier. Since the construction of magic arrays have some similarities to spell creation she should be able to do it. But for some reason she isn't even trying which confused him.


Even though he didn't understand the language of the ArchFairy, he knew what Ember was saying on a spiritual level. "You don't want to learn this array. Why not?"

"Kyuu! Kyuu!" The girl flapped her wings as she waved her arms through the air to signify a battle scene.

"You want to go out there and kill enemies, but if you're busy managing the array you won't be able to."

"Kyuu," she shook her head yes. The last time there was a big battle, she didn't get to participate much, but now she has the chance to show her capabilities and have some fun. Why would she pass it up just to manage some magic array.

Shi Feng gave the little fairy an incredulous look. He had no idea where she got this attitude from.

Normally familiars will do their utmost for their owners but because of the pseudo contract Ember can do as she pleases. He didn't have the time for this and the array was important so he decided to show some tough love.

"Listen, this will help you in the future so you have to learn it. If you still refuse to give it your best, I'll only give you magic crystals to eat from now on," Shi Feng said in a very strict manner.

Of course he was only bluffing. Feeding Ember magic crystals will drastically slow her growth, and she might not be strong enough to help him with the Demon Gods invasion. He would never do something so stupid.

When Ember heard this, her eyes immediately went wide with shock and disbelief and her little mouth hung open. She couldn't fathom what she just heard.

Magic crystals weren't nearly as good as the elemental source crystals and high ranked dishes that Shi Feng feeds her. After tasting such delicacies on a regular basis how could she ever go back to magic crystals.

After seeing the serious look on Shi Feng's face she started to look around the room. Her eyes fell on Violet and Summer who were sitting nearby. As the two looked into Ember's big blinking eyes they couldn't help themselves. They signaled to her that they got her back, but before she could celebrate, Shi Feng shut that down real quick.

"Don't look at them, they won't help you. Only mastering this array can save you."

Ember stuck out her tongue at him and started to seriously learn the magic array. Seeing this pleased Shi Feng.

Gentle Snow walked into the pilot room. "Guild Leader, I've finished organizing everyone and giving them their task, but are you sure we only need 1000 people. Maybe we should call some members of the Dark Gods legion?"

Of the players in the army, only a little over 40 were tier 4 players. The rest were tier 3 players stationed at Silver Wing City. Most of them haven't even fully unlocked their mana bodies yet. Even though superpowers would fear such a force, in front of the defenses of Ancient Rock City, it is only cute.

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