Thus, however, what made both of the girls swallow the lump over their throat wasn't over the new appearance. But what's floating in the air right above him.

Hundreds of spear dangerously pointed at them in a threatening manner.

"Let see how you strong Magic Knight truly is!" He declares in a crazed manner and moved his hand downward making a rain of spears fly directly toward the girls.

Main cower herself with a scream while Kana clenches her fists and a look of distraught on her face.

'I won't make it. I have no mana left in me. DAMN IT!!'


Leopold has been walking around the village in hope of finding the red-haired girl. Feeling that he may have touched her nerves, again, he wishes to apologize and presented her with the clue that he just found. "Where has she gone now?" He asks out loud.

"Leopold-san!" A voice call over behind him making him turn only to watches Ōura frantically running toward him.

"Ōura-san? What's wrong?" He asks as she stops in front of him breathing heavily from running.

"M-Main. Have you see Main?" She asks with her eyes shone panickily.

The teenager tilts his head. "Main? Your daughter?" He shook his head. "No, I haven't seen her. What's wrong?"

"Sh-she had an argument with my father after both of you left. She suddenly got angry at him for asking for help from Magic Knight. Then she runs out without any words and she has been gone since." Her eyes getting teary, worrying about her daughter's well-being.

"Do you have some idea where she might have gone too?" Leopold asks.

Ōura shook her head. "I already asked around the other villagers including her friends. None of them have seen her today."

"Is that so.." He trailed in thought.


His head snaps back toward the older women. "What is it?" He watches as she nervously glances over the forest.

"One of her friends said that she saw Main going into the forest quite often these few weeks." She then glances back over the boy. "W-what if she-"

"Ōura-san." He cut her off, snapping her out of her thought. His expression stern as he speaks. "You head back first. Leave it to me and my partner."

"But-" She was about to reason but he grins widely and points over his shoulder proudly.

"Don't underestimate us, Crimson Lion. We now have another fierce lioness with us." He tilts his head, the smile never faded off his face.

The third hunter whistle. "My~ my~ That's quite a bold move and stupid one too. Never know you have the gut to pull it off."

Kana's body trembling madly with blood soaking her front shirt. She's on her knee with her hand clutching her stomach. Where she used to stand now only left with a bloody spear.


Kana mind swirling, searching for ways to save both of the younger girl and her beastie friend.

A thought comes upon her. Preparing herself, she grits her teeth and clenches her hands over the spear. She then pulls the spear out of her abdomen with all her might. Holding back the pain, she throws the spear aside and sprints over the two of them. She balances herself onto the ball of her heels

upon holding them in her arms and spun.

Using every strength lefts on her legs, she jumps out of the path of the raining spears.

Main holding Muku tight in her arms who watch with tears at her savior. Her eyes glued on the older girl shirt who used to be green but now painted red. She felt helpless as she wasn't able to protect her friend who keeps wringing in her arms.


The older girl glance over the teary girl and much to her surprise, she watches as Kana flash her a smile, not a made-up smile, but a genuine smile. The one that eases her heart, making her feel protected. "D-don't worry. I'm here to protect you two. And just so you know, I quite strong." She flashes her a toothy grin.

Main eyes shone in awe, even Muku have stopped squirming with its eyes watching the red-haired girl with great intensity.

Turning back over her opponent. Kana sweat feeling the effects of losing to much blood. It didn't help with the fact that one of the spears cut right over her left calf.

She could feel her body starting to feel heavy and scream for her to rest but the battle isn't over yet and there's no way in hell will she even rest until she knows that the young girl will be safe.

"How about this then?" The hunter suggests loudly with his hands over his hip. "You just hand over that dragon to me and I will let the two of you go? Sounds fair right?"

"Let us go?" Kana repeat with her eyes shadowed. "You mean that you are going to let us leave and the three of you to go off your path away with Muku?"

"Exactly!" He points his finger at her. "Then we all can continue our life-" He cut off by a fireball flying toward him making he quickly dodge it.

Kana glare madly with irk marks appearing on her head. "Like hell, I will let scumbags like you got away. Trading my life for such an innocent creature. Do you think I'm as low as trash like you?!" She spat.

He glances back over the girl who now glaring at him. "Tch." His expression darkens ominously. "Someone like you-" He raises his hand making his grimoire flips and shone as it stops over a spell. "Are those that annoy me the 𝙢𝙤𝙨𝙩!"

(This is how imagine Main look likes

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(This is how imagine Main look likes. I just notice how I never describe her looks. Same for her mother. She took after her mother looks accept Ōura have shorter hair.)

A/N: A bit late from the promised day of update but here it is. I'm bad at creating battle scene or even trying to write what I image it would be. Sorry about it.

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Thanks a bunch.

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