2773 Great Zero Wing

Start from the beginning

"In a few months his combat standards exploded. Even though we're both in the Flowing Water realm, when we last dueled, I couldn't even lay a hand on him before he had killed me. And we both had equal attributes in that fight."

The others in the group all perked up their ears hearing this.

"So are you saying as long as we make contributions to the guild, there's a good chance for us to reach higher positions and become stronger?"

"Bingo. Things might change after Zero Wing becomes a Super Guild so we should hurry, maybe you guys can reach the Flowing Water realm and reach tier 4, which will qualify you for a main force level position!"

The group of five then enthusiastically exited the bar to go sign up for Zero Wing. Other people in the bar who overheard the group's conversation were similarly tempted, some even followed in their footsteps.

Similar conversations and actions happened all across God's Domain.

In a snowy field a mesmerizing beauty with a bombastic figure read a report she had received. After finishing her read the women let out a rare smile. "Looks like you've made the right decision Yan Tianxing. Good job."

As the women spoke to herself a teenage looking girl walked up and interrupted her, "big sis Lotus, what are you smiling about?"

Lotus who used to be the number one assassin in the Black Dragon Empire, put away the report and responded. "Nothing, I just got some good news about Zero Wing, that's all."

Hearing this a young male not too far from the two girls said, "Zero Wing? Isn't that the guild your boyfriend is in big sis?"

The girl next to Lotus had her eyes light up after hearing this, "that's right, maybe big bro Tianxing can help us with our Dark Soul problem since Zero Wing is so powerful!"

Lotus started to blush a little after hearing the two kids teasing her. She quickly regained her cold persona and said, "Yan Tianxing is just a good friend. Besides, this is our problem. Dark Soul is nothing like it was before after Starlinks destruction and the adventure team gained the support of Mythology. How can we trouble Zero Wing with such a problem for us."

The group saw the reasoning in Lotuses words and didn't bring the topic up again.

"Ok, we've rested enough, let's get a move on. If we manage to finish this quest, things might turn around for us. Not even Dark Soul will follow us to the Ruined Mountain Range."

The group then went on their way.

In a stormy desert field located in a level 120+ neutral map, four old men sat down around the corpse of a fallen superior mythic monster.

[Storm Shell Scorpion] level 152 (superior mythic)

A superior mythic is nothing to peak experts at this point in the game. What was shocking was that this monster was above level 150. After level 150 even basic mythic monsters will become an arduous task for top tier tier 4 experts.

But these four old men had killed this monster and they didn't even look fatigued afterwards.

"Old Sword, check out this long sword. I think it should be a good replacement for your old weapon," Wind Demon who was looking over the drops said to a thinking Sword Demon.

After Starlinks eradication, the four shadow demons had decided to stick together and live a free spirited gaming life.

Sword Demon looked off into the distance for a while not responding to Wind Demon. He then looked at his companions with a resolut expression and said, "Wind, Mad, Heart, I have decided to join Zero Wing."

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