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"Is there really any need to announce this shit?" Tessa mentioned as took a sip of her punch.

"Yeah," Keith added. "I mean, we all know it's Trevor and Lisa."

"Yeah, well this year may surprise you," Lenny replied.

Keith looked over at him and scoffed. "You wish."

Lenny glared back.

"Okay kids," the school vice-principal appeared on stage in his white Ludlow dinner suit and bow tie. Front just looking at it, one could tell it was made from Italian wool. "Settle down. Settle down."

The DJ stopped the music and the humming in the large hall started to die down. Everyone had thier attention on Mr. Johnson now as he held the microphone to his mouth and cleared his throat.

"Before we crown this year's prom king and queen," he announced. "We will first call to stage the past and former king and queen of Kentworth."

Everyone in the hall clapped and some even cheered.

"But first, a very important announcement," he uttered, before he looked into the paper he was reading from and then looked out to his audience again. "Now, the janitors have brought it to our attention, that these past few weeks, the male rest rooms, the female rest rooms and even the parking lots have been littered with..." The balding man paused and swallowed, making it obvious that what he was about to say next carried alot of weight. "....condoms."

The students turned and stared at each other; the boys were snickering. The girls pressed thier palms to thier mouths to contain thier laughter, while very few of the students like Stephanie and her click, seemed to be disgusted.

"Now, as happy as we are about that fact that many of you are using... protection, we understand that it is normal for you all to have an..." He took a deep breath, "..... overwhelmingly active sex life at this stage of your lives."

"Damn right!" a boy yelled from crowd and everyone; mostly boys, cheered and clapped.

Mr. Johnson nodded and gave a passive aggressive smile as he raised his hands to stop the from talking. "But we urge you to please, dispose of these materials properly." He said. "It is unsanitary and quite disconcerting to the school.and most especially to our hard working janitors."

"No problem pops," another boy yelled and everyone laughed.

The man glared out at the crowd, before he cleared his throat and looked back to the paper in his hand. "Now, back to business." He announced. "To crown this year's king and queen, please welcome, the king and queen of Kentworth for the class of two thousand and eighteen, Amy Strauss and Kevin Lindeman."

Everyone in the hall started to cheer and clap as the past students made thier way to the stage ever so gracefully.

"Damn man," Keith almost groaned. "Amy still looks hot."

Tess turned to him and looked back at the stage. "Kevin looks really sexy as well."

The smile on Keith's face faded, before he turned to Tessa with a glare.

She looked at him and scowled. "What?"

Lenny shook his head as he chuckled and looked away. His eyes suddenly went back to the one person he had kept them on although the night.


He watched as she and her friends spoke and laughed with each other. Every time she smiled, she looked so beautiful. Every time she smiled, it was as though he was seeing her for the first time.

"You know she's about to be prom queen," Keith leaned over and almost whispered to him. "Right?"

Lenny exhaled and turned to him. "Yeah, so?"

"So?," He began. "If you're gonna tell this girl how you feel, you better do it now, bro."

It was funny. Lenny could swear he had something to say, but when he opened his mouth to say it to him, nothing came out. And it was probably because what Keith had just said, was a fact.

Lenny turned away and took his eyes back to Lisa.  Very soon, she was going to be crowned prom queen and stand beside Trevor. Everyone would then see them as the perfect couple, even they aren't anymore, but nothing could beat the eyes of the public. After all that, it would definitely be wierd if people saw Lenny with her. It would even be stranger if they then became a couple. She was a princess after all. She looked like some that should have been beside Trevor, and not him.

Lenny then took his eyes off her and started to search the crowd of faces that looked up at the lit up stage. He felt this relief growing within him as he couldn't find Trevor anywhere.

But then, that relief disappeared as fast as it came the moment he saw Caleb and Trevor stumbling to a halt right infront of the hall's entrance. At that moment, Lance felt a wave of urgency rise with in him. He spun back to Lisa's location just in time to see her leave the company of her friends and head to a table nearby.

*"It's now or never,"* Lenny thought. And then suddenly, he found himself pushing through the crowd to get to Lisa.

"Ugh," Stephanie let out. " I really wish they would get this thing over with."

"Calm down hon," Tessa chuckled, with her eyes fixed to the stage. "What's the rush?"

"These heels are killing me," Stephanie replied.

"Guess you should have worn sneakers instead," Keith laughed. But when he turned and found Tessa and Stephanie glaring at him, he piped down immediately.

He cleared his throat. "Sorry."

"Hey," Stephanie began as she started to look around. "Where's Caleb anyway? You guys seen him?"

The others were to focused on the stage to even reply. She turned and looked towards the entrance and exhaled when she finally found him there, standing beside Trevor who was clearly nervous about his upcoming announcement. She watched them for a while; the way Caleb straightened and dusted the shoulders of Trevor's suit. The way he made sure Trevor's hair was well done.

Trevor couldn't have found a better friend indeed.

She was about to turn away, buy then she saw a familiar figure. She wasn't really sure, until he came into the dim light, that was when her eyes widened with realisation.

"Lance?" She called out as she immediately left her friends and hurried towards him.

The Kings of Kentworth Where stories live. Discover now