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The next day, Trevor and Caleb were the only ones at the thier table during lunch. Bruce and Aaron had to go somewhere outside school while Lisa and the girls had cheerleading practice.

Trevor was chatting with his big sister on Facebook. He was so excited about her visit this coming weekend. He missed her so much and just couldn't wait.

Kim Bowman : So excited. I could scream right now!

Trev Bowman : Me too. Can't wait to see U.

Trevor looked up at Caleb who was also going through his phone while sucking on his bottle of Pepsi with a straw.

"Kim is coming over this weekend," Trevor smiles at Caleb. "Did I tell you?"

Caleb rolled his eyes away from his phone and gave Trevor a deadpan stare. "Yes Trevor," Caleb whined. "You told me an hour ago, and two hours before that, and another one hour before."

Trevor's smile dissolved slowly as he suddenly started glaring at Caleb. Caleb tilted his head back in laughter and raised his hands in surrender to his friend.

"No offence man," Caleb chuckled. "...But you've been sounding like a broken record all morning about Kim's visit. I'm pretty sure the guys knew you were going to talk about it through out lunch and that's why they're not here."

"Shut up you twerp," Trevor snarled at him before facing his phone again. Trevor could hear Caleb laughing hysterically and suddenly felt amused himself. Caleb had an undeniably contagious laughter.

Suddenly, Caleb was quiet. He had stopped laughing. He stopped to quickly.

"You've got to be kidding me," Trevor heard Caleb hiss before he raised his eyes to his friend and saw him glaring at something behind Trevor.

"What's up?" Trevor asked, but Caleb said nothing. With his eyes narrowed in what looked like fury, Caleb nodded at something behind Trevor and Trevor turned quickly.

Stephanie was matching towards thier table while glaring at them through hooded eyes behind her glasses. Her red hair swaying along with her blue pleated skirt that she wore below a white blouse.

Trevor knew he had seen her around before, more than once even, but he didn't really know who she was. He then turned to Caleb who was still glaring at the approaching girl for some reason and suddenly felt he knew her.

"Who is she?" Trevor asked.

"Oh, no one exactly," Caleb hissed. "Just an annoying, rude and arro-."

"What do try want with Lance?" Stephanie startle Trevor and cut Caleb off. Trevor had not even realised that she had gotten to thier table.

"Excuse me?" Trevor's brows furrowed in confusion.

"You've suddenly taken a liking to Lance Tiffin," Stephanie steadied herself, adjusted her glasses. and leaned in closer to Trevor's face. "I want to know why."

Trevor moved his eyes to Caleb who was still glaring at her and back to Stephanie who was towering over him. "I-I don't-."

She rolled her eyes and gave a sigh of frustration. "Do not play dumb with me, Bowman."

Trevor looked up at Stephanie's freckled face behind her large glasses. He was confused, but for some reason, also amused. Was she Lance's girlfriend or what? "Look, " Trevor raised his hand in surrender. "Lance is my tutor, that's all."

"Really," she narrowed her eyes at Trevor.

"Yes," Caleb suddenly cut in with a low growl. "Really."

Stephanie looked in Caleb's direction for the first time since she came to the table. "Oh sorry," she gave Caleb a fake smile. "I didn't see you there. It must suck being irrelevant and invisible."

Trevor turned to Caleb and immediately saw him raise his eye brows and force a smirk. "Is that the best you've got?" Caleb asked.

Trevor turned to Stephanie.

"I don't see how my conversation with your friend is any of your business," she docked her head and hissed at Caleb.

Trevor turned to face Caleb.

Caleb tilted his head to the side and gave her a fake smile. "And I don't see how his friendship with Lance is any of your business."

Trevor turned to Stephanie and saw her bite her lower lip while narrowing her eyes at Caleb in rage.
She turned away from Trevor and faced Caleb fully now.

"Listen to me you...you...Boor," she spat and Caleb threw his head back in laughter. "I know how boys like you work. You think you are so perfect; you think you can have any girl you want, well sorry to disappoint you, but some of us are immune to your Bullshit charms."

Trevor turned to Caleb.

"It's okay if you are a Lesbian," Caleb shrugged with a smirk. "I mean, i'm cool with girls that like girls."

Trevor raised his brows and turned to Stephanie with his mouth in the shape of an 'O'.

Stephanie's eyes narrowed at Caleb as she tilted her head said ways as if trying to hear with one ear. "What did you call me?" She asked.

"What did you hear?" Caleb was grinning now.

Stephanie glared at Caleb for a while. The fact that he just sat there smirking at her made he even more furious. She knew he was a guy, but something in her wanted to reach across the table and pull at his hair, until he was screaming like a bitch. She then raised herself and stood up straight.

She looked at Trevor and narrowed her eyes at him again. "I'm watching you, Bowman,"she his through he teeth.

"Oh my god," she heard Caleb petrified voice before she glanced at him and saw him placing his hands on his chest with his feature pretending to be scared. "We're so scared. What are we going to do?"

"Go to hell," Stephanie spat at Caleb.

"After you," Caleb fired back.

Stephanie narrowed her eyes again. Trevor looked down and saw he clench her fists beside her and at the point, he realised the hatred Stephanie had for Caleb. He face was beet red.

"Scumbag," she growled before she finally turned away and headed for the cafeteria entrance.

"Freckled chihuahua," Caleb yelled at after her and Trevor immediately started laughing.

Trevor kept watching his buddy all the while he kept his eyes trained of Stephanie, right until she disappeared behind the door, with a smirk on his face.

When Caleb turned away and glanced at Trevor, he noticed Trevor's eyes on him with a mischievous smile tugging on his lips. Caleb's smile faded immediately.

"What?" Caleb frowned at him.

With the smile still on his face, Trevor shrugged. "Nothing."

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