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Trevor made sure the bed was neatly dressed and that's why he kept dressing it over and over again. He used his hands to caress the sheets and feel the tension.

"Dude," Caleb spoke as he looked away from his laptop. "If you stretch that bed sheet any further, it'll tear."

Trevor looked up at him with a smirk on his face. Of course, he didn't know.

"I'm going to fuck Lisa right here," Trevor spat as he patted his bed. "So the least I can do is make her feel comfortable while I do it."

Caleb looked at him with raised brows. "For real?"


Caleb rolled his eyes back to the screen of his laptop. "When is she coming over?"

"In a few minutes," Trevor replied as she checked the time on his watch his watch before he reached down and took off his trousers. "...and that's why you may need to end your Netflix soon."

Caleb sighed and dropped his shoulders as he shut his laptop and gave Trevor a death glare. "Can't I didn't know this was going to happen some time."

Trevor looked at him and chuckled as he pulled of his shirt and then felt the cold hit his body. "Damn it's cold," he hissed.

Caleb got up from his bed and shoved his laptop into his drawer. "Perfect weather for two," he shrugged.

Trevor pulled his weight to one leg, raised his hands to his waist and deadpaned. "Which is why you should be spending sometime with, ...what's her name?"

"Stephanie," Caleb was surprised at the urgency with which he said her name and Trevor looked up at him and smiled.

"Don't look at me like that," Caleb waved Trevor away and walked into the bathroom.

"What's up with the both of you anyway?" Trevor called out.

"Nothing," Caleb yelled from the bathroom.

Trevor rolled his eye and chuckled. "Liar," he yelled.


Trevor chuckled again and made his way to the Veranda, stood by the balustrade, closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Damn, the air in Paris was so nice and pure....and cold of course. It felt really good. He opened his eyes and glanced at the sea of lights beneath him. He leaned in and felt the gentle breeze tug on his blonde curls. He heard a loud and enthusiastic laughter to his left below and then looked in the direction to see four girls walking together; arm in arm, laughing and giggling like silly little girls as they stole occasional glances up at him. He then realised he was standing out there with nothing but his boxers to cover his nakedness. One of the girls even went as far as giving him flirtatious wave. Trevor just smirked and waved back and the girls looked at each other giggled again; as if their friendly gestures had been acknowledged by a celebrity.

Enjoy the view ladies.

He heard what sound like someone; a man, singing and then looked in that direction also and caught sight of a young man, who was obviously drunk out of his mind. He had his arm over the shoulder of a lady who was walking beside him, helping him steady himself as he swayed from side to side, wailing and singing out loud into the night. Trevor felt a smile tug on his lips slightly.

Then he heard what sounded like the jam of a car door directly below him. He looked down and saw a black Mercedes benz E300 parked right infront of the hotel. He took one look at the glowing banner at the top of the car and immediately knew it was a taxi. When Trevor saw who came out of the car in black jeans and a leather jacket, his eye brows furrowed with curiosity. He immediately recognised him. The dude from the museum. They dude that was talking to.....

What was he doing here?

As if the universe and cosmic forces had answered Trevor's question, someone walked out of the hotel entrance below, went straight to the mixed race boy and gave him a friendly hug. When Trevor saw it was Lance, he suddenly felt the coldness of the metal rod on his palm as he tightened his grip on the railings. He felt his heart beat begin to quicken and the taste in his mouth turned metallic with rage. He watched as Lance and the guy moved over to the car and sat in; shouting the doors loudly as if to mock him, even though they didn't even know he was watching.

Son of a bitch.

An unfathomable rage tore through Trevor as he watched the taxi pull out into the road and snake down the street and without even thinking, Trevor pulled away from the Veranda and stormed into the room. He headed straight for his closet, pulled it open and grabbed a sweater from one of the hangers; all the while ignoring Caleb's bewildered and astonished eyes on him as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Dude," Caleb's voice was laced with concern. "You okay?"

Trevor, of course, ignored him as he wore the sweater over his body, at the same time searching for his flip flops.

"Where the hell are my slippers?" Trevor growled as he's eye darted from one point of the room to the other. The loudness of his voice surprised him and shocked Caleb.

"Whoa," Caleb coughed out as he raised his hand to calm Trevor.

"Relax man," Caleb said as he moved to him and then pointed to a pair of Nike palms at the foot of the bathroom door. " There over here."

Caleb kept his baffled eyes on Trevor as he hurried over, drove his feet into the slippers and headed straight for the room door.

"Dude, where are you going?" Caleb asked in confusion as he trailed behind Trevor.

Trevor turned to him as if he was about to yell, but suddenly deflated. "I'll be back in a minute," Trevor hissed.

Caleb watched his best friend pull the door open, walk out and slam it behind him. He just stood there staring at the door before him, realising it may not be a good idea to chase him and tell him that he just headed out into the cold with nothing more than a sweater, his slippers........and his boxers.

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