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Trevor parked the car just outside the drive way of Lance’s house. He turned off the engine and looked outside the window. His eyes landed on the window of Lance’s room at the top. The lights were still on.

He was still awake.

He pulled out the key, got out of the car and walked up to the front door. He stood there staring at the wooden carvings on the door for thirty seconds, before he raised his knuckles to the door and knocked.

“Coming!” He heard a woman sing from the other side and felt his heart leap.

Who the hell was that?

He had expected someone else; maybe like Lance, or Molly.

Trevor suddenly felt a wave of apprehension pour over him. He placed one foot behind the other. He wanted to back away. But when he heard the clinking sound of the door, he knew it was too late.

The door swung open to reveal a round faced woman with pitch black hair. She was wearing a yellow blouse and a black pencil skirt underneath a white apron. It took Trevor a few seconds to put one and two together.

Those lips and those eyes; features he had been dreaming about ever since his night with Lance.

This woman was obviously Lance’s mother.

She raised her brows and forced a polite smile. “Yes?”

Trevor opened his mouth and closed it again, before he pushed his hands into his pockets.

The night was suddenly freezing.  There was something about the way her blue eyes bored into him; the same uneasiness that hit him when Lance looked at him. Yep, she was definitely Lance’s mother.

“Can I help you?”

“Uhm-Is Lance home?” Trevor managed to speak.

“Yes,” she replied with a smile. “Although I think he’s really tired right now. He just got back from-”

“Trevor!” Little Molly yelled in delight the moment she appeared from behind her mother and looked up with a wide toothy smile.

Trevor looked down and smiled. The girl’s presence seemed to have put his uneasiness at bay. “Hey Molly. What’s up?”

Lance’s mother darted her confused gaze under knitted brows between her daughter and Trevor. She was obviously perplexed as to how Molly had known the name of one of her elder brother’s classmates.

The girl then pointed to the staircase. “Lance is upstairs.”

“Cool,” Trevor chuckled. “Thanks.”

“I’m sorry,” Mrs. Tiffin eyed Trevor askance. “Who are you, again?”

Trevor looked up to her. “I’m-”

“He’s Lance’s new boyfriend, Mommy,” Molly cut him off.

Mrs. Tiffin’s eyes widened before she snapped her head down to her daughter and then back to Trevor again.

Trevor’s mouth dropped open immediately. He felt his knees weaken beneath him when he looked up from a grinning Molly and met the woman’s wide eyes.

“I…am not his-uhm-his boyfriend,” Trevor stuttered. “I just…we are study partners, so I just came ….uhm.”

“To study?” Mrs. Tiffin spat, looking surprised and amused at the same time.

Trevor paused at her utterance, before he finally said, “Yes.”

“I see.” Mrs. Tiffin nodded slowly as her eyes travelled up and down Trevor’s body.

They both stood there, silent. Trevor started to feel the uneasiness creeping back into him as Lance’s mother kept her eyes on him. She looked at him as though he was something that intrigued her, something that seemed to capture her interest. Something she wanted to know more about.

Trevor dug his hands into his pocket again and looked down at his sneakers; unable to look Mrs. Tiffin in the eye any longer.

“I knew this was a mistake,” Trevor thought to himself. “What the fuck was I thinking?”

“Come on Trevor,” Molly moved forward, pulled his right hand out of his pocket and began pulling him into the house. “Lance is upstairs.”

Trevor instantly darted his eyes to Mrs. Tiffin; waiting for her to object to his entry, but to his surprise, the woman opened the door wider and gave way for him to come in.

Trevor walked into the house, appreciating the warmth it gave him, before he saw a man appear from the corner.

“Honey, have you seen my-” The man paused and knitted his brows with confusion when he saw Trevor.

Trevor just forced a nervous smile, before he gave a curt nod.

The man was cubby; brown hair, just like Molly, with a green dress-shirt that pressed down his pot bell and brown khakis underneath. The only thing that gave him away was his nose.

That was definitely Lance’s nose.

“Daddy,” Molly giggled. “This is Trevor, Lance’s new boyfriend.”

The man raised his brows at Trevor, just as they all heard the front door slam shut behind them.

“Jesus Christ, Molly,” Trevor whispered heavily as he looked down at the little girl with his red face. “I’m not-”

“He’s not Lance’s boyfriend, Molly,” Mrs. Tiffin chuckled as she moved from behind and walked up to her husband’s side. She looked up at Trevor and smiled. “He’s just a friend of Lance’s from school.”

Trevor looked and saw the woman beaming at him.

Mr. Tiffin knitted his brows again and looked at his wife. “Lance has friends?”

Mrs. Tiffin turned to her husband and deadpanned, before she turned to Trevor again with a smile. “Lance is upstairs, dear.”

Trevor gave quick curt nods before Molly dragged him up the stairs. “Come on,” the little girl chimed. “Let’s go.”

As they walked up the stairs, Trevor could hear Lance’s parents whispering conversations to each other. Apparently, they were still surprised at the fact that their son actually had friends from school.

But he couldn’t blame them; yes, he was attracted to Lance, but the undeniable fact was that Lance was an asshole.

It was undeniable.

Molly and Trevor stopped infront of Lance’s room door. Molly looked up at Trevor, raised her fingers to cross her lips; telling him to be quiet, before she turned to the door and knocked.

There was no response.

They both glanced at each other, before she rolled her eyes away from him and knocked again.

Louder and heavier this time.

“Go away!” Lance called from the other side.

It was funny how the sound of Lance voice made Trevor’s heart leap a little. It was crazy; funny and crazy.

Molly knocked again.

“Are you deaf?”

Molly glanced at Trevor with a mischievous smile on her face. She was obviously enjoying this. He quickly held her arms when she was about to knock again.

She looked up at him with a frown.

Trevor smiled down at her. “It’s my turn.”

Molly shrugged and stepped back.

Trevor raised his knuckles and gave three slow knocks.

There was a loud thud from the other side; like something hitting the floor, before heavy footstep started to thunder towards the door. Trevor held his breath and straightened up.

He was coming.

Without warning, the door swung open with Lance darting out fromm the other side; eyes blazing, jaw fixed and fists clenched.

“What the fuck do you-” He froze the moment he saw Trevor. The fire his eyes went out in an instant and his eyes softened immediately.

“Hey,” Trevor uttered with a nervous smile as he dug his hands into his pockets.

Lance darted his eyes to Molly, and then back to Trevor. “What are you doing here?”

Trevor blinked and sighed. “I-I came to see you.”

Lance said nothing.

He just stood there with his eyes fixed on Trevor. Trevor was unable to maintain eye contact, so he looked down to his sneakers as he used the tip to rub the floor and deep down, Lance thought it was cute.

The hall was quiet for a few seconds before Mrs. Tiffin yelled from down stairs. “Molly, get down here. It’s time for your bath.”

Trevor spun in time to see Molly frown in the direction of the staircase. “But Mom!”

“No buts, young lady. Get down here. Now!”

Molly pouted her lips and frowned as she stumped her right feet to the floor in anger.

“It’s okay, Molly,” Trevor chuckled as he pinched her cheek. “Go on. I’ll be fine.”

Molly’s face turned red before she gave a weak smile. She looked at Lance and her smile got wider.

“Molly Tiffin!” Mrs. Tiffin roared from downstairs.

“Ugh…Coming Mum!” The little girl yelled as she turned and ran towards the stairs.

Trevor couldn’t fight the smile on his face as he watched her trot away. He turned to face Lance’s cold eyes and his face fell immediately.

Lance kept his eyes on Trevor for up to ten seconds, before he turned away and walked back into his room, leaving the door open.

Unsure of what to do, Trevor just stood there at the door way, staring at Lance like a lost puppy. He watched as Lance sat on the chair before his reading table and opened a book. As if feeling Trevor’s eyes on him, Lance froze and looked up at the door.

“Are you coming in or not?”

For the second time that night, Trevor felt his heart leap. He held down a smile as he slowly walked into Lance’s room and shut the door behind him.

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