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Suddenly, the entire stadium exploded.

A sudden thundering roar followed the haunting silence.

Lance looked up and saw every single person on the field jumping and screaming with joy. He looked to the left and saw a number of his team mates running towards him.

“Oh my word!” The commentator screamed. “Can you believe it?”

Lance turned to the goal post in confusion and then he saw it.

The ball was right there, behind the line, rolling to a halt behind right in the net. The keeper pulled out his gloves and slammed it to the ground with anger.

“Holy shit,” Lance gasped in shock as he got to his feet.

He had scored.

The ball had slipped from the keepers palms.

He had scored a goal.

They had won.

Before he could think any further, his teammates all ran into him, knocking him to the floor, kissing him, ruffling his hair, patting his shoulders and lifting him up into the air.

“Prrt! Prrt! Prrrrrrrrrrrt!” The coach then blew his final whistle.

And Kentworth High school wins the match, Ladies and gentleman!” The commentator yelled.

The roars and cheers became louder now, and people started to run into the field. The coach grabbed Trevor, Lenny and his assistant into a hug while they all jumped in jubilation, before he let go and ran into the field.

Over at the bleachers, Stephanie, Keith and Tessa kept jumping and screaming in jubilation.

“He did it!” Keith screamed as he kept punching the air repeatedly. “He fucking did it!”

“Yessssssss!” Stephanie yelled with glee as she raised her hands to the sky.

Tessa was so excited; she just kept jumping, screaming….. and jumping, and then she spun to Keith, grabbed his face to face hers, and pressed her lips to his in a kiss.

Stephanie raised her brows with a smirk on her face when she turned and found them locked in the kiss.

Keith and Tessa slowly froze, slowly pulled away and stared into each other’s’ eyes  with uncertainty, before they looked away and faced the field, both feeling their faces heat up while trying to hold down a smile.

Stephanie shook her head and chuckled before looking away.

“Good job, Lance,” coach patted Lance’s shoulder and kissed him on the head. “Good job.”

Everyone walked over and congratulated Lance; everyone except Bruce and Aaron who just sat at the bench, downing a bottle of ice cold water with Megan, Nadia and Lisa at their side.

Trevor looked away from them and turned his attention to Lance who was in the middle of a gathering of admiring supporters and fans. One of them being Kyle, who came over and shook Lance's hand. "Great game, man."

Lance appeared reluctant at first, before he reached out and shook Kyle's hand.


Afterwards, Trevor noticed Lance was searching for something, or someone after Kyle left.

When Lance’s eyes finally landed on him, Trevor saw him smile.

Trevor smiled back at him and walked over.

“You were amazing,” Trevor said, the moment he came face to face with Lance.


The both of them just stood there, not knowing what to say next. Trevor’s blue eyes searching Lance green eyes and Lance feeling Trevor’s breath on his face. They cursed the fact that they were outside. They cursed the fact they were in public. All they wanted to do right now was take each other in their arms and never let go, but they couldn’t, and it felt like hell.

“Want to hang out at my place after?” Lance asked as he kept his eyes on Trevor as if he was the only thing in the world at the moment.

“We would be missing the victory party..,” Trevor smiled before he looked around and then looked back at Lance. He moved to his ears and then whispered. “But fuck that......” He pulled away and beamed down at Lance. “...I’d rather be with you.”

Lance's smile got wider in seconds.

“Hey!” Caleb appeared from nowhere and wrapped his arms around Lance’s shoulders. “What are you two love birds doing?”

Lance’s eyes widened as he suddenly stiffened. He looked up at Caleb, and then to Trevor.

“Hey, relax, bro,” Caleb patted his back. “I know.”

Lance looked at Caleb as he smiled down at him, and then he looked at Trevor again with eyes that seemed to say “What?”

Trevor shrugged and replied. “Yep, he does.”

“Now come on,” Caleb pulled Lance along. “We’ve got a Victory party to go to.”

“Uhm….I don’t really-” Lance uttered.

“Shush,” Caleb caught him off. “You’re gonna get drunk tonight, and if you’re lucky, you could score another goal with one of the cheerlea….uhm… I mean…one of the players.”

Caleb then looked up at Trevor and winked at him with a smirk.

Trevor shook his head and chuckled.

Caleb dragged Lance away and Trevor was about to follow when something boomed through the stadium.

The sound of a loud speaker.

A voice over a loud speaker.

On the bench, Bruce looked up to the large screen and tapped Aaron. Aaron turned to him. Bruce then nodded to the large screen towering over the stadium with an evil smirk on his face. And Aaron followed his gaze.

"It's showtime."

Tess, Stephanie and Keith stood with Lenny when the large screen suddenly caught their attention.

“What’s going on?” Stephanie furrowed her brows at the screen.

Lenny turned and saw it.

He felt his stomach drop and his entire face flush. “Oh no.”

This was it.

All hell was about to break lose.

Trevor narrowed his eyes at the large screen with confusion, trying to understand what was happening. Then a figure appeared on the gigantic screen.

“What the….?”

The blue eyes, the blonde hair……it was…him.

Trevor’s eyes started to widened slowly as the realization of what this was crept up on him. The music room. He was in the music room.

No,” Trevor whispered in horror. “NoGod, please no.”

He spun and saw Caleb and Lance stop in their tracks, their eyes fixed to the large screen, like every other person in that stadium that night.

Caleb looked down at Trevor with wide eyes.

He knew.

“Hello everyone!” Trevor saw himself smile on the screen. “I guess we all have Prom and shit to face, but I just want to give a little message to my….uhm…” he laughed, “Whatever. I have a message for you Lance Tiffin.”

Trevor felt his heart fall to his stomach.

He spun to Lance.

Lance looked down at Trevor, an uncertain smile on his face, genuinely confused and lost, and then he looked up at the screen again.

Trevor instinctively turned to the bench and caught Bruce smirking at him though hooded eyes.

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