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Finally, the last day of the exams had arrived. Even though the last paper was Algebra; Trevor’s nightmare, he was still glad it was going to be over after this.

He sat there with his eyes fixed on the pile of question papers on Mr. Decker’s desk. He felt his hands itch with anticipation. He and Lance had stayed up and studied until three in the morning, and for that reason, he was feeling a bit sleepy earlier.

Mr. Decker picked the papers and distributed to every student. He got to Trevor’s desk and smirked, before her dropped an A4 paper before him. At that point Trevor a bit uneasy. When Mr. Decker walked past, Trevor spun to his right and saw Lance at the far corner. His head was on his table, but then he looked up and saw Trevor staring and then smiled in return.
Trevor felt the anxiety within him melt away like butter on a hot pan, when he saw Lance’s smile.

Mr. Decker announced what and what not to do during the exam, before he looked at his watch, announced the time and ordered. “Start.”

Trevor flipped his paper over and his eyes instantly darted to the duration of the exam.

“Two hours. Good enough.”

He picked up his pencil and started.

Two hours and thirteen minutes later, Trevor was walking out of class. The entire hallway way was filled with students screaming at the top of their lungs, shouting and making the fact that their lives as high school students, was over.

Students threw bags, notebooks and textbooks in the air.

“Fuck you Kentworth High, I’m out!” a boy screamed as he slammed his fist on every single locker he passed by.

“Out of the fucking way!” Someone screamed from behind Trevor before he jumped out of the way and watched a boy darting down the hall with a girl on his back, the both of them screaming and wailing with excitement.

“Jesus Christ,” Trevor heard someone chuckle beside him. He spun and saw Lance shaking his head with his eyes on the restless and excited seniors. “It’s like watching apes at a zoo.”

Trevor tilted his head back and laughed.

Lance then turned to him and smiled. “So,” he began. “How was it?

Trevor sighed and shook his head with a wry smile. “I tried my best, bro.”

“You answered all questions, or…?”

“I left six unanswered,” Trevor shrugged.

Lance looked up to the ceiling and cussed. “Fuck.”

He looked down to Trevor again and sighed before he patted his shoulder. “Well, all that matters is that you answered the rest correctly.”

Trevor shrugged again.

They took their attention back to the students in celebration and watched for a few seconds, before Trevor turned to Lance and sighed. “So, where’re you going?”

“Home,” Lance replied with his eyes still on the celebrating students. Then he turned to Trevor. “I need a long nap.”

Trevor watched him for a while as a mischievous smile slowly grew on his face. “Can I come?”

“No,” Lance spat, barely waiting for Trevor to finish his question.

Trevor hung his head and chuckled as he came close to Lance. “Kiss me,” he whispered with a smile.

Lance brought his brows together and held down a laugh as his eyes searched Trevor’s face.

He then shoved Trevor out if hisway and said, “You are fucking stupid if you think I’m going to let you kiss me in public.”

Trevor dropped his head again and laughed.

“Later, dumbass,” Lance said, as he walked away.

Trevor raised his head and watched Lance walk away until he disappeared around the corner. Then, he suddenly remembered he had something to do.

Earlier that day, Trevor and Caleb had agreed to meet at Bruce’s house after his last paper. Caleb wasn’t in school today because he didn’t have any papers. His last paper was tomorrow, and so, Trevor decided he would just go from home and wait for him there.

Trevor dialed Caleb’s number and pressed the phone to his ear.

“Yo, Trev,” Caleb answeref. “You done?”

“Yeah. Meet me there,” Trevor replied. “..As we discussed.”

“Alright, cool. On my way, man."

Trevor dropped his phone, walked to one of the school buses, got in and went straight to Bruce’s house.

It always felt weird whenever Trevor came to the home of one of,…if the not, the richest families in Kentworth. The distance from the main gate to the house looked like a mile. Walking down was quite exhausting due the fact that the mansion was built on acres of land.

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