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The following day at school, he walked into the music hall with his eyes darting from one point to the other. It was empty.

"What the fuck?" Trevor thought to himself.

Bruce had sent him a text earlier to meet at the music hall. Trevor probably figured Bruce wanted to give him the money since he had agreed to the bet.

Trevor's mouth suddenly went bitter when he remembered the way Bruce snickered over the phone after he gave in to the bet. The sound of victory in Bruce's voice was unmistakable. After Trevor had dropped the phone that night, he fought back the urge to pick it up again and tell Bruce that it was only a joke. He wanted to tell Bruce that he was only kidding, but then Lisa's teary eyes flashed in his head.

"Fuck." Trevor growled at himself as he drove his fingers through his blonde her.

Lisa was going to be pissed. Even if he was doing this for her, she was going to flip.

What the hell was he doing? He had just agreed to pretend to fall in love with a gay guy.

"Yo! Trev!" Aaron's voice made Trevor turn to the hall entrance quickly.

Aaron, Caleb, Nadia and Bruce were walking into the hall and laughing hysterically at a joke one of them had probably cracked. Trevor noticed Bruce had his arms over someone's shoulder as he walked in. It was a girl and it wasn't Megan. It wasn't until the had gotten quite close that he finally recognised her. The straight black hair, The long pretty face and those full lips. It was the girl Bruce was flirting with at the cafeteria the day he suggested the bet. He was flirting with her a few days ago and now here he was, smiling stupidly with his arms over her shoulder like she was his girlfriend or something. Does this girl even know Bruce has a girlfriend?

Bruce was Trevor's friend, but he was also a pig.

"Trev my man!" Bruce yelled with a mischievous grin on his face as he reached forward and patted Trevor on the shoulder. His eyes stayed on Trevor's before he moved to the girl and waved his hands to her as well.

"This is Tiffany," the sound of pride in Bruce's voice made Trevor want to push him away.

The girl shifted her eyes and scanned Trevor. She looked shy, almost as if she was avoiding his eyes.

"Hey," she said with a shy smile and a quick wave before she turned away quickly.

"Tiff, this is my boy Trevor," Bruce announced with repeated pats on Trevor's shoulders. "We've been friends since elementary school."

Bruce then looked back to Trevor and smiled. "That's why I know him too well. Even more than he knows himself."

Trevor looked into Bruce's eyes and felt a chill roll down his spine when he realised there may be a deeper meaning to what his friend was saying.

"Bruce," Trevor feigned a calm sigh. "Are you giving me the money or not?"

"Well yeah," Bruce replied. "..but there's one more thing."

"What?" Trevor warned.

Nadia and Aaron snickered while Caleb just stood there unamused with his hands in the pocket of his jacket.

"No biggie man," Bruce uttered as he beckoned for Nadia. "Just a video."

"A what?" Trevor spat as he darted his wide eyes from Bruce to Nadia who was pulling her phone from her pocket with a dirty grin on her face.

"There was no video in our agreement Bruce," Trevor hissed through his teeth.

"Well," Bruce smiled and turned away from Trevor to Nadia. "There is now."

"Oh God," Trevor groaned before turning away and rubbing his temples.

"Dude relax," Bruce walked up to him. "Look, all we want to do is just shoot a video of you ditching the faggot."

"Yeah," Aaron added not too far behind. "We'll play it on the big screen during Prom."

"What?" Caleb shut his wide eyes to Aaron and then to Bruce. "That's - that's not fair."

Nadia scowled at Caleb. "Excuse me?"

"It's bad enough that have to pretend to like someone, but then to humiliate them in a video infront of the whole school?" Caleb yelled. "Come on guys That's bad. That's...that's evil."

"Oh yeah?" Bruce smiled. "...well he'll get over it."

"How can you say that?" Caleb's face was red now as he moved closer Bruce and Trevor. "He's a human being. You can't do this."

"He's a fucking faggot!" Bruce fired. "He deserves anything we do to him."

Caleb recoiled slightly at Bruce's remark, before he turned to face Trevor. "Dude," Caleb's voice was low and calm. "You're not gonna do this, are you?"

Trevor looked into Caleb's sad green eyes that seemed to beg him. Trevor turned to Bruce who still had his eyes on Caleb. Trevor's mind then travelled to Lisa again. "Sorry man," the words fell out of his mouth with a shrug.

Caleb's shoulders dropped immediately. His jaws clenched and those pleading green eyes of his had turned into dark glares fixed on Trevor. He looked over at Bruce, then turned to Nadia and Aaron .

"You guys are crazy," Caleb hissed through his teeth as he began to back away towards the hall entrance. "You guys are sick."

"Yeah yeah," Bruce flipped him off. "Just get the fuck out Caleb. "

Caleb stopped again. It was almost as if the words that came out of Bruce's mouth had shocked him, but he didn't want to show it. Trevor then felt his stomach flip when he saw the disappointment in Caleb's eyes as he stared at him. Trevor couldn't believe the fact that he could not even look up at Caleb anymore. Instead, he looked to the floor beneath him.

Caleb then turned and walked out of the music hall without even looking back.

"Bye." Nadia called after him before she and Aaron laughed.

Trevor looked up and saw that Caleb was gone. He looked over at Tiffany who had been standing there; speechless. Her nervous eyes darting between he and Bruce.

"Okay," Bruce clapped his hands together. "Let's do this shit."

Nadia then positioned her phone to start recording and Trevor immediately felt his stomach flip.

"What..what do I say?" He tried to hide his shaking voice.

"Just be mean as fuck," Aaron smiled as he sat on one of the desks. "Remember, this dude is a jerk."

Trevor knew that. Hell, he hated Lance Tiffin so much, the thought of him crying made him smile a little, but what could he possibly say that would make him break ?

"Remember," Bruce finally added. "This dude's been saying shit about Lisa."

Trevor spun to face Bruce immediately. He wanted to take a swing at him when he said that. Trevor felt the bile rise in his throat as his mind then went to the fight at the football field and the fight at the school parking lot. He suddenly realised what Bruce was doing. He was trying to piss him off, and my God it was working.

"No one talks shit about Lisa," Bruce added with a mischievous smirk and that was it.

Trevor glared at Nadia's phone. "Let's do this." He growled.

Bruce suddenly began to pat his shoulders again. "My man."

"Okay.." Nadia announced, before she pressed the the record button. "Go!"

Nadia gave the signal and Trevor suddenly started saying things he never thought he would be saying in his life. He said things that surprised him. He said things he had never said to anyone before. Things that were bad enough to make Bruce's eyes widen and when he was done, his friends clapped for him.

He looked over at Tiffany. She wasn't even smiling when she was looking at him. Rather, she had this confusing expression in her eyes. An expression Trevor couldn't make out.

Trevor felt nervous all of a sudden when he couldn't tell if the look on Tiffany's face was fear or disgust.

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