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Trevor stood there; trembling, with his heart still pounding. He was frozen in place with his widened and welling eyes fixed on Lance. He felt his phone buzzing in the pocket of his trousers, but he completely ignored it.

"I...I can't believe it," Trevor stuttered. "You're here. You're....you're really....here."

Lance corked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes at Trevor as though he didn't know who he was anymore. "Are you okay, dude?"

Trevor then started to blink rapidly, before he looked away from Lance. It was like he was in a trance ever since he set his eyes on the green eyed boy. "S...sorry, I just..." He paused and looked up at Lance again.

He took time to take Lance in. His dark hair was still scattered in curls above his face. His skin was no longer as pale as Trevor remembered. He looked exceptional in his Piece Black Skinny Fit Floral Bird print suit.

Leave it to Lance to always be unique as hell. Trevor never thought any male creature could pull of a floral suit. The way he just stood there with his hands in his pocket. The way the tattoo on his neck sipped out of the collar of his shirt. Trevor was suddenly reminded of how Lance could be insanely sexy without even trying.

"You look....great," Trevor finally let out.

"Thanks," Lance smirked, before his eyes went down Trevor's body. "You don't ....look too bad yourself."

For the first time in a very long time, Trevor felt his face heat up as he looked to the ground.

"Wow, look at that," Lance chuckled.

Trevor looked up with raised brows. "What?"

"Nothing," Lance shrugged. "It's just nice to see your face still gets red when you're shy."

Trevor coughed out a laugh. "I'm not shy."

"Yes you are," Lance retorted.

"No I'm not," Trevor shot back.

"Bashful motherfucker," Lance smiled at him mischievously.

Trevor opened his mouth for another reply, but then he paused and took another look at Lance. That seductive yet, evil smile on his face that always seemed to fill Trevor with an uneasiness that he liked.

Trevor just dropped his head and chuckled.

He raised his eyes to Lance again, and both of them just stood there staring at each other in complete silence. The gentle night breeze tugging on the hair. The masculine scent of thier cologne hitting their nostrils.

Lance obviously had no idea what his presence was doing to Trevor at that moment. It took every power in the universe to hold Trevor from running  over to Lance and wrapping his arms around him.

Trevor felt his phone buzz again in his pocket; he ignored it once more. It was clear that nothing was going to distract him from this moment.

"I...I missed you," Trevor tried to steady his voice since he couldn't do anything about his now stinging eyes. "So much."

Lance started to blink rapidly, before he looked to the floor, and back up at Trevor again. "Me too," he replied with a wry smile.

Trevor tried hard, but he couldn't take it anymore.  He shot himself towards Lance. "Lance, listen..I really-"

Lance raised his hand to Trevor for him to stop. Trevor froze in place and felt the tears slip from his left eye when he saw the smile has suddenly left Lance's face. The thought of the fact that Lance had not forgiven him seemed to mortify him.

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