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It was a beautiful saturday morning, and Trevor felt a little relieved about the fact that he wasn't going to school today. Then he remembered he had to meet Lance today at the library down town. He looked at his alarm clock.


"Fuck" he cussed, before he fell back on the bed. He had less than thirty minutes.

He eventually got up, brushed his teeth, took his bath, got dressed and headed downstairs to get something to eat. He got into the kitchen and saw his mother on the island table taking a sip of her coffee while concentrating on the newspaper before her. The early morning sun filtering through the kitchen window made her look like an angel. Her blond tied in a ponytail tail as usual. She was in her scrubs, which meant she was probably heading out to work after her coffee. Trevor couldn't help but smile Everytime he saw her. She was just amazing.

"Morning mum," Trevor kissed his mother's cheek before he moved to the fridge and pulled it open.

"Hey honey," she replied with her eyes still on the paper. "Where you off to?"

Trevor dropped the box of cereal and the small box of milk on the table as he gave his mother a confused look. "I never said I was going anywhere," he said.

"You're wearing sneakers, Trevor Bowman." Mrs Bowman's eyes were still on the paper.

Trevor looked down at his white and blue all star sneakers and wondered when she had observed him with her concentration on the paper the whole time. This woman was truly something.

"Well?" She turned to him finally.

Trevor had not told his mum about him failing Algebra yet, so he figured he had to tell her any other thing apart from the fact that he had tutorial classes with a demon named Lance Tiffin.

"Just going to hang with the guys," he lied.

"I see." Mrs Bowman looked back to the paper. "No tests on Monday, or Assignments?"

Trevor felt his stomach flip as he almost spilled the entire milk while pouring into his cereal. "Nope."

"Okay then."

There was silence for a while as Mrs Bowman kept going through the magazine and Trevor kept crunching on his milk and cereal. He looked at the time and gasped quietly.


"Shit," he hissed.

Mrs Bowman glared at him immediately.

"Sorry." Trevor smiled shyly as he hurried over to the sink and  dropped his bowl.

"Later mum," Trevor said as he hurried past his mother.

"Kim is coming over next weekend," Mrs Bowman said.

Trevor froze and turned back to his mum with wide eyes. "Really?" He said as he moved back to her. "That's awesome."

"Spoke to her last night on my way back from the hospital," She beamed at her son. "She should be here by this time next week. Excited, huh?"

As much as Trevor enjoyed the solitude in the house, he couldn't wait to see his big sister again. The last time she came to visit, he was just twelve years old. That was five to six years ago, and even since then, he remembered asking her when next she would visit and she would say he would just wake up one morning and see her on the couch in the living room. Kim was one of the reasons why Trevor was saddened by the divorce of his parents. The fact that he couldn't see his big sister very often really made him sick.

The beeping sound of Trevor's watch pulled him out of his thoughts before he looked down at it.


"Bye mum!" Trevor uttered as he turned and headed out the kitchen.

"Hey," Mrs Bowman uttered.

Trevor stopped and spun in impatience. "What?"

He then saw his mother tap her right cheek with a smile on her face. Trevor rolled his eyes and moved over to her quickly. He wrapped his hands around her neck and kissed her cheek so hard, his entire face was buried in the side of her face.

"Oh my god!" She yelled in hysterical laughter as her son held her so tight. "Okay that's enough Trevor! please!"

Trevor the left tinny kisses as he let her go and then spun and headed for the door. "Love you mum!" He called out.

"Love you too honey." Mrs Bowman yelled a reply. "Say Hi to Caleb's mum for me."

Kentworth Town Library.

Like the school Library, Trevor had never been to this place either. He pulled over in the parking lot, got out of the car and stared up at the eight story building.

"This is a library?"

Trevor made his way into the building and jotted there seemed to be a lot of eateries at the ground floor. He looked round at the amount of people and knew it was going to take him a year to find Lance in this place, so he pulled out his phone.

"You're late," was the first thing Lance said to Trevor the moment he picked up Trevor's call.

Trevor rolled his eyes. "Where the hell are you?"

"Third floor. Science. "

The line went dead.

Trevor shook his head as he pushed his phone back into his pocket. He could swear Lance was some kind of robot of something. Trevor shook his head in amusement at the fact that he felt as if he had just been talking to a spy.

He asked for directions to the third floor and was told to take the elevator.

"There was an elevator here?"

Trevor did as he was told and made his way up to the Third floor. He got there and felt his stomach flip at the site before him. There had to be almost a thousand booths in this place. It was enormous. The bookshelves were entirely different from those back at his school. The ones here were gigantic. They stood in the midst of the tables and chairs like towers of knowledge.

Trevor looked round and strained to see if he could make out the black hair and almost pale white face of Lance. He caught two girls staring at him with flirty smiles on thier faces and then smiled back at them. They didn't look like high school girls though, so Trevor figured they were probably college girls. Trevor took one look at them and suddenly couldn't wait to graduate high school and burst into college. They were obviously two hot girls looking for a good time. The thought of walking over to them and saying 'hello' then crossed Trevor's mind, but then the unexpected ringing of his phone almost made him jump.

He pulled the phone out of his pocket and saw that it was Lance.

"Where are -?"

"Are you done staring at the sluts?" Lance cut him off.

Trevor then raised his eyes and began to dart them from one corner of the hall to the other. Lance was here, and the bastard had been watching him.

"Where are you?" Trevor hissed as he moved further into the hall and away from the door. "You prick."

The line went dead again. Trevor pulled the phone down from his ear and stared into it with rage. He held himself from screaming out loud in the hall.

Suddenly, something hit him in the face. Startled, Trevor looked down as a crumpled piece of paper fell to the floor before him. Trevor raised his head and moved his eyes in the direction which the paper had come from.

He involuntarily clenched his jaw when he saw Lance giving him a mischievous smirk just four booths away from him.

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