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"Hey dude!" Bruce's deep voice boomed through the speaker. "What's up?"

"No-um- nothing," Trevor tried to calm his voice. He cussed himself internally for picking up the phone. It was like his brain wasn't controlling his arms anymore. "Just chilling. You?"

"Just got back from the mall with Megan," Bruce replied. "Hey, check out your profile on facebook. Quick!"

"Uhmm...Okay?" Trevor sounded uncertain as moved over to his laptop computer on his table and put his phone between his right ear and his right shoulder so he could type in properly. "You're not sending me porn again, are you Bruce?"

"Fuck you man," Bruce chuckled.

When Trevor got to his profile, he scrolled down searching and then in matter of seconds, he saw it. Trevor's jaws dropped as his phone fell off his shoulders.

"Shit," he hissed, as he fumbled to pick his phone up.

"Yo!" Bruce uttered. "Trev, you there?"

"Yeah...Yeah I'm here." Even Bruce could tell from Trevor's voice that he was stunned.

"So what do you think huh?" Bruce asked.

Trevor couldn't get his eyes off the picture of Megan in a beautiful red gown with glitters on it. God, she looked like a fucking goddess. Her smile, her eyes and her pose. Holy Shit, Megan was fucking hot.

"That's her Prom dress by the way." Bruce added. "She actually thinks she may win Prom Queen with that."

Maybe Bruce didn't believe it, but Trevor certainly did. If anyone saw her in that dress, she would definitely be nominated. Trevor immediately started to wonder how Lisa would look in a dress like that.

"God," he thought. "Lisa."

The sick feeling was back in his stomach again. If she should see Megan in this dress, he didn't even want to imagine how she would feel. Wait, what if she had already seen it, what if that's the reason she had been feeling worse than she was before after he dropped her off. The fact that the dress that Lisa had picked was even more beautiful than Megan's was very painful. He looked at Megan in her red dress over his computer screen and then pictured Lisa standing side by side with her in the pink and white dress she could not afford and then his mind suddenly went blank. Trevor wasn't thinking straight anymore.

Bruce was still mumbling something over the phone but Trevor wasn't paying attention at all. He hadn't been paying attention ever since he set eyes on Megan in that dress.

"I'm in," the words fell out of Trevor mouth and cut Bruce off, before Trevor could gather them back in.

"What?" Bruce asked after a purse.

"The-the bet," Trevor swallowed hard and tried to steady his trembling voice. "I'm in."

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