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Trevor and Lance

A few minutes after they’d just had sex, the two boys just laid there on Lance’s bed; stack naked and distant. Trevor; with his palms under his head, and Lance, with his left hand resting on the bare skin of his belly and his right hand holding the white roll of weed to his lips.

Their eyes were trained to the ceiling above as Daniel Bedingfield’s ‘If you’re not the one’ filled the room with a sweet and calm symphony right out of Lance’s speakers.
The rain outside had reduced to drizzles now, and lightning still flashed and thunder could still be heard.

Trevor turned to Lance just in time to see him gently pull the weed off his lips and blow out a plume of smoke.

“Do your parents know you smoke weed?” Trevor asked, as he reached over and took the roll from between Lance’s fingers, before planting it between his own lips.

“Fuck them,” Lance said.

Trevor frowned at him before looking back at the ceiling and breathing out smoke. “That’s not nice.”

“I don’t care.”

“Yeah, keep telling yourself that,” Trevor smiled as he brought the roll back to his lips and inhaled; eyes still on the ceiling.

They both stayed quiet for a while; their eyes trained to the ceiling with the song still playing and thier breaths calm and steady.

“I love this song.” Lance sighed.

“Me too,” Trevor smiled.

Silence took over once more. The song kept playing as Trevor pulled the weed from his lips and blew into the air of the room.

“Weed after sex is the shit,” he chuckled.

Lance did not respond.

He looked away from the ceiling and glanced at Lance beside him.

Lance’s eyes were fixed to the ceiling, but even Trevor could see he was millions of miles away.

“Hey,” Trevor whispered as he pulled his palm from the back of his head and placed them on Lance’s head; pulling strands of his black hair away from his face. “You okay?”

Lance turned and looked at Trevor. His stomach seemed to flutter when he saw the concern in Trevor’s eyes. He gave Trevor a weak smile, before he raised himself up and leaned on an elbow; his body twisted to face Trevor.

“Trevor?” Lance’s voice was soft and steady as his face slowly went blank.

“Yeah?” Trevor smiled, with his hands still gently pushing Lance’s dark curls off his face.

“Are you using me?”

Lance saw Trevor’s face turn grave in half a second. He couldn’t feel his hands moving over his hair any longer.

Trevor pulled his hand away from Lance and lifted his entire torso; his confused eyes staring at Lance in disbelief as he leaned on one elbow. “What are you talking about?”

“I mean,…this,” Lance explained as he darted his finger between himself and Trevor. “Us. Is it….Is it real?”

Trevor kept his astonished, yet confused eyes on Lance. His mouth fell open and he didn’t even know when he was tilting his head slowly. He looked at Lance as though he had suddenly grown three heads.

Trevor then closed his mouth and Lance saw the muscles on the side of his jaw move.

He turned away from Lance and shook his head, before he pulled himself off the bed and walked to the room window.

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