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Attention: You guys may want to read Ch. 128 again as some changes have been done there,........before coming to 128. Thanks.

Caleb exhaled gently and dropped his shoulders. He looked to the ground, before he slowly looked up at her again. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it back again when nothing came out.

Stephanie staggered back a little, her mouth slightly open and her eyes filled with disbelief.

“I’m sorry,” Caleb uttered just as his eyes started to water. “I didn’t….”

Stephanie shook her head slowly as her eyes drifted away from him and looked to the floor, still looking dumbfounded. “How could I be so stupid?”

“Stephanie, please..” Caleb was beginning to look frantic.

“You’re his best friend after all, aren’t you?” She said. She paused, looked up at him and went on. “Does everyone know about that night?”

“What?” Caleb furrowed his brows.

“The night I gave myself to you,” she snarled. “The night we fucked. The night you took my virginity. Does everyone know about that too?”

“What are you-?” Caleb looked confused and lost. “No-no, Steph…how can you even-.”

“Was there a bet on my virginity too, Caleb?” Stephanie’s voice was getting louder. “Huh? Was there?”

“No!” Caleb screamed as he darted forward, grabbed her shoulders and shook her. “Jesus Christ Stephanie, what are you saying? Why are you talking like this?”

She yanked herself away from his grip and pushed him away. “Get your fucking hands off me!”

Caleb came close and reached for her once more. “Stephanie, please, don’t do-”

Stephanie reached up and slapped him.

Tessa gasped.

Caleb’s face swung to the side so fast, he felt his neck crack. He slowly looked back her and noticed the tears falling down her cheeks. A sight that seemed to make his own eyes well with tears.

“I asked you a number of times whether you knew anything about Trevor and Lance, and you lied to my face,” she said.

Caleb stayed silent.

It was clear to him now that the person standing before him was a complete stranger.

“I mean, I thought you were different,” she coughed out a dry laugh. “But you’re just a snake…like the rest of them.”

For a moment, Caleb was pretty sure he wanted to die. He never knew the words of another human being could hurt so much. He was a man. He was supposed to be the strong one. He had heard worst things from other people, but none of them made him cry. Or, maybe it was because none of those people was Stephanie.

If Caleb had not been sure of his love for this red-haired girl, he was now.

After a few seconds, Stephanie turned and walked away, moving towards the school entrance. Tessa and Keith followed; trying hard not to make eye contact with Trevor and Caleb as they passed.

As everyone left, Caleb and Trevor stood there, staring at each other. The cars in the parking lot were driving out of the school one by one. The entire lot was getting empty but the lights in the stadium were still on.

Trevor took his eyes away from Caleb and then looked down to the floor and gave a dry chuckle. He looked up to the night sky and drove his fingers through his hair.

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