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An hour into the flight, Lance began to feel a wave of regret rise within him. Why the hell did he decide to come on this trip anyway? It was unlike him. The plane would bounce alittle when it hit a slight turbulence and Lance would bury himself further into his seat and further tighten his already tightened grip on the arm of his seat. He had worn his ear phones to make him feel more at ease, but when the plane started jerking at a point, he pulled them off.

"Are you okay?" Lance heard Lenny ask, before he turned and caught his curious and concerned eyes on him.

Lance looked away immediately. "I'm fine."

"You sure? You don't look so good," Lenny went on. "You're sweating real bad."

Lance looked down at his chest and realised Lenny was right. He didn't even notice how much he was sweating. The top of his shirt was already soaked and probably his back as well. Beads of start had somehow materialised on his arms and head.


"You're nervous about flying, huh?" Lenny said.

Lance looked up and felt slightly annoyed when he saw Lenny trying to hide his amusement at his predicament.

"Mind your fucking business," Lance glared at him and hissed.

Lenny's smile disappeared in an instant as he sank back into his seat.

Lance picked up his earphones and put them back in his ears. He picked up his phone and scrolled through his play list, looking for the most relaxing piece of music he could find. He stopped when he saw 'If you're not the one' by Daniel Bedingfield and immediately tapped the screen. As soon as the song started, Lance closed his eyes and felt the entire world disappear. He felt the entire world melt around him. Nothing else mattered anymore, no one else existed. Just he and Daniel. Lance allowed his mind to drift. He allowed his senses to be led by Daniel's remarkable voice, into a different dimension. A dimension he had always wished he could stay in forever.

'I don't wanna run away, but I can take I don't understand.'

Lance, still with his eyes closed, held himself from singing along to the heart warming chorus.

'If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell that I am?'

Lance heard that line and suddenly, just one person came to his mind.


Lance slowly opened his eyes with his head still relaxed on his seat. He turned to his side and saw Lenny concentrating on a game he was playing on his phone. Without think twice, Lance spun quickly and glanced in Trevor's direction, as if to check of he was still on the plane. He had to be careful so Trevor wouldn't catch him staring, but he was somewhat disappointed when he realised Trevor was concentrating on someone else. Lance saw Trevor smirking at someone on the opposite side of the aisle. His eyes looked seductive. When Lance followed his gaze, he felt the blood in his veins boil when his eyes landed on an equally smiling Lisa. Trevor and Lisa where flirting with each other and for reason, it mad Lance furious. He did a good job of holding it down though. Lance spun back to face the seat before him and exhaled. He had noticed his breathing had turned heavy and the taste of his mouth was bitter. He was clearly seething.

Lenny stretched a hand full of gummy bears candy to Lance's view. "Gummy bears?"

Without even glancing at him, Lance lifted his right hand and vehemently waved Lenny's palm out of his view, causing the candies to be thrown into the air, scattering them all over the floor.

"Hey," Lance protested with a scowl as he recoiled in shock, but Lance didn't even look at him. With the music still playing to his ears, Lance took his eyes off the back of the chair before him and gazed out the window at the clouds floating by.

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