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Soccer practice had just ended with the coach reminding the team of thier upcoming inter-school friendly with McKinney High school and how intensive thier next four days of practice is going to be.

As the boys made thier way out of the locker room, they caught sight of Nadia and Lisa walking over with smiles on thier faces and dressed neatly in thier cheerleading outfits. Megan was right behind them, but of course, she didn't look as happy as her two best friends were.

"Happy Birthday Bruce," Nadia sang as she hurried over and gave Bruce a hug.

"Thanks," Bruce chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Happy birthday man," Trevor cheered as he equally walked over from behind and patted Bruce on the back.

"Thanks bro."

Lisa walked over and stopped beside Trevor before she chimed,

"Happy birthday Bruce."

Bruce looked away from Trevor and his eyes landed on Lisa with furrowed brows and a malicious smile on his face. He stretched out his arms; inviting her for a hug. "Don't I get a hug?" He smiled.

Trevor's eyes moved from Bruce to Lisa and watched her move past him to give Bruce a hug. He took his eyes off Bruce and Lisa and glanced in Nadia's direction. His eyes then caught Aaron's eyes on him; watching him. It was almost as if Aaron was watching Trevor to see if he was going to pull out a gun or something. Trevor turned away and his eyes met that of Caleb; his eyes equally as cautious as that of Aaron.

Caleb glanced away immediately.

"Weird," Trevor thought.

Lisa pulled away from Bruce and walked back to Trevor; just as Bruce himself moved to Megan and threw his arms over her shoulder. Trevor wasn't sure, but it was almost as if Megan felt irritated the moment Bruce touched her. They had to be fighting again or something, because the moment Bruce's arms landed over her shoulders, she squinted and looked at Caleb who already had his eyes one her, before he moved them to Bruce.

Suddenly, loud crashing sounds made everyone wheel in time to see Lenny far behind them struggling with four water coolers that had somehow fallen to the floor.

"Loser!" One of the team members yelled and everyone laughed.

"Party is at eight!" Aaron announced in a voice loud enough for all the players and cheerleaders on the field to hear. "..Bruce's house! And if you ain't got beer or weed with you, you ain't coming in!"

The boys all cheered when they heard Aaron's last sentence. Aaron then turned to Trevor. "Dude," he said. "Still got that fake ID with you?"

Trevor turned to him. "Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing ," Aaron shrugged as he walked past Trevor. "Just gonna need it for some booze."

"So, the ones the guys are bringing isn't going to be enough?" Trevor raised a brow.

Aaron turned back to Trevor with an evil smile on his face. "No."

Trevor chuckled in response to Aaron. He knew Aaron lived for things like these. Planning parties was Aaron's life and from the look on Aaron's face, Trevor could tell this party was possibly going to be the craziest party they were going to see since ...well, since Bruce's sixteenth birthday party, which Aaron had also planned.

"Come on guys," Bruce said as he pulled Megan along. "Let's get out of here."

"Yeah," Nadia yelled in excitement. "We've got a party to plan."

Trevor looked up and watched Bruce, Megan, Aaron and Nadia walk away.

"Ugh," Lisa groaned beside him. "My body feels sticky and gross."

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