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"Ladies and Gentlemen, flight 197 bound for Paris will be boarding in ten minutes," the ladies voice from the intercoms echoed all over the waiting hall of the airport.

"Sure," Nadia rolled her eyes. "Why not add ten more minutes to the one hour we've been waiting here."

"We just came too early, I guess," Caleb shrugged in response.

Trevor sat there with his arms around Lisa's shoulders along with everyone waiting for thier flight. He took a moment to observe his vicinity. The excitement on the faces of the students could not be hidden. He turned away and noticed a little boy playing with a superman action figure. The boy caught Trevor's eye on him and smiled as his face turned red. He was really shy and very adorable. Trevor smiled back at him and watched as he ran back and crashed on his mother's lap. Trevor looked up to the other corner and caught the eyed of three girls on him. Two of them looked away immediately, but one of them, who really looked slutty, still had her eyes on him with a smirk pulling on her lips slowly.

"Why did it take you so long to get here anyway?" Lisa looked up from her phone and asked.

Trevor turned and faced her with a smile on his face, knowing she was just pulling his attention from the flirtatious girls. "I'm here, aren't I?" He replied as he pulled her close and kissed her head.

A few hours ago, all the students had met at the school premises where the list was called out and everyone got on the school bus. Well, everyone except Trevor who had to be driven to the airport by his mother all because he woke up late.

"Holy shit!" Trevor had yelled when saw the time on his bedside alarm clock read . He didn't even take a shower, he just hurried up and put on some clothes. The fight was supposed to leave by 9:00PM that evening, and Trevor had fallen asleep right after soccer practice that same day, forgetting he was meant to go back at about four-thirty to get on the school bus to the airport. He had picked up his phone and felt his stomach drop when he saw nine missed called and thirteen messages.

Lisa: Where R U

Caleb: Dude, are you serious right now?


Lisa: I hope the only reason U have for missing this bus is that you're dead, Cuz if not, I'LL KILL U MYSELF! >:(

Megan: Hey Trevor, R U OK?

Lisa: Why aren't you picking up! for God Sake Trevor!

Caleb: Pick up your damned phone, man!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuck!" He kept exclaiming as he danced around his room while trying to pull up his black jeans to his waist. He thanked God he had already packed up his luggage the previous night, and to think he did not want to, but his mother persuaded him. He started to think hard. He started to figure out a way to get to the airport in less than an hour. His mom wasn't home and she had taken his car to work, today of all days because hers was with the mechanic.

"Oh God," he ran his hands through his blond hair. "I'm fucked."

He opened his phone and checked his Uber app, but he hesitated when he realised the nearest Uber could be miles away. This was Suburbia. Then, like the sound of angels from heaven, Trevor heard his mother's car roar into the drive way. He dragged his luggage and ran out of the house. His mother had bearly left the car when she saw her son.

"Trevor?" She looked slightly surprised. "You're still here? I thought-"

"No time to think mum," he said as he opened the back door of the car and threw his bags in the back seats without even glancing at his mum for approval. "We've got to go..like now."

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