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"La perle bleue,s'il vous plaît," Jacques said to the taxi driver as soon as he and Lance dropped to a sit behind. The driver nodded in response and the car started to move.

As the car coursed down the beautifully lit up streets, Jacques kept pointing to certain buildings, calling thier names and telling Lance thier history. Lance nodded in response and uttered a "Wow" when he could. Most times, he would just keep his eyes on Jacques; without even taking in a word of what he was saying. The only thing Lance took in was how good Jacques looked in his white t-shirt, black jeans and black leather jacket. How messy and full his black curly hair was above his head and then how low cut it became at the sides and the back of his head.

"I grew up in that neighbourhood right there," Jacques leaned in and pointed outside Lance's window. Lance followed his pointing fingers and looked out the window as well. It didn't look like a very, over that top, expensive, first class place, and it didn't look like a ghetto either. It looked middle class ; the type of place that seemed okay to raise a family. Lance looked back at Jacques and caught his light brown eyes on him. When Jacques didn't look away, Lance immediately did.

"So..," Jacques voice made him look up again. "Are you....seeing anyone?"

Lance thought for a second. "No."

Jacques raised his brows. "Really?"

"Yeah." Lance looked out his window.

Jacques observed him with curiosity before a smirk appeared on his face. "What about the blonde boy I saw you flirting with at the museum today?"

Lance turned his astonished eyes to Jacques and began to stutter. "Wha-what?"

"The blonde guy at the museum," Jacques added before he raised his brows and made his smirk more mischievous looking. "He was really cute."

Lance glared at Jacques. "I have nothing to do with that prick." Lance's voice was laced with rage. A quiet rage.

"Whao. Okay, okay," Jacques chuckled as he recoiled and raised his palms as if in surrender. "I just wanted to be sure-."

"Sure about what?" Lance cut him off.

"That I wasn't intruding on someone else's-"

"Well now you're sure," Lance cut him off again and turned away.

"I'm sorry," Lance heard Jacques say, but he didn't turn to face him, not until he felt Jacques hands on his shoulder. Lance then turned and stared into Jacques pleading brown eyes.

"I'm sorry," Jacques repeated as he searched Lance's eyes.

"It's -It's fine."

Jacques gave him a smile and threw his arms around Lance's shoulder. The ride to the club was quiet from then on, but Lance's thoughts weren't. He had forgetting all about Trevor all the while he had been with him and now he just had to remind him. Why the hell did he have to do that? How the hell did he even know about he and Trevor at the Museum. Was he watching them all along? Jacques was just way too smart, he had to admit.

"We're here," Jacques pulled Lance out of his thoughts as the taxi slowed down right infront of a two story building. It looked victorian,as old as most of the buildings in Paris. As Jacques and Lance approached that building, they noticed a long queue that ended at the entrance with a huge mad in a suit standing next to it with an earpiece to his right ear .

"Shit," Lance hissed as he and Jacques made thier way to the back of the line. "How long is it going to take before we finally get in?"

Jacques raised a finger to him as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Hold on," he said.

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