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Biology was the last class before break. Lance sat in the cafeteria filled with students. He was the only one at his table as usual and he hoped to God no one joined him; not that he was expecting anyone though. Lance faced his plate of two king sized burgers. He hoped to God he could finish them because he wasn't really hungry. Even though he had not eaten anything all morning, he wasn't hungry. His eyes felt so heavy and his muscles felt weak. He didn't need food, he needed sleep.

"Hey Lance," A girl's voice made Lance look up immediately.

He saw Stephanie move up to his table, drop her tray of food and then drop to a seat infront of him with a smile on her face. Lenny was right behind her. He did as she did, but slower. He looked reluctant as he dropped his tray on Lance's table. It was almost as if he was scared of Lance.

"What's up?" Stephanie asked as she picked a slice of cucumber from between her burger and chewed.

Lance said nothing. He just glared at her for a while through hooded eyes, before he looked back down at his food.

"Stephanie, we should just go and leave him alone,"Lance could hear Lenny's whisper as clear as day even through the humming and the chatting from students in the cafeteria.

"Lance," Stephanie began, obviously ignoring her friend's advice. "Can I ask you a question?"

"No." Lance spat without even looking at her as he sipped on his orange juice.

"What's the deal with you and Bowman?" Stephanie asked anyway and from the side of her eye, she saw Lenny roll his eyes and massage his temple. "Why has he been hanging around you so much lately?"

Lance took a bite off his burger and raised his eyes to the red haired girl before him. He was a little surprised to see that she looked concerned, but more surprised at the fact that he couldn't even answer her question. He honestly didn't know why Trevor Bowman was so interested in him all of a sudden. He didn't know why, of all the straight A students in class, Trevor had chosen him. She was asking a good question, but he wasn't going to tell her that, was he?

"He wants to fuck me I guess?" Lance shrugged with a dirty smirk on his face.

Lenny looked up at Lance and scowled at his remark. The look on Lenny's face was close to that of disgust. But Stephanie, Stephanie just rolled her eyes and smiled at him. Lance was going to have to try harder if he was going to gross her out.

"I just think it's weird,that's all." Stephanie shrugged as she played with her straw dipped in her juice box. "I mean, he never gave a shit about you all this while. Why is he so interested in you now?"

Lance sipped on his orange juice again as he chewed on his burger with a smile. "Because he wants to fuck me." He repeated slowly this time.

"Dude, could you please stop saying that?" Lenny groaned. He looked like he was going to be sick.

Stephanie threw her head back in a silent laughter.

"Homophobic much?" Lance smirked at Lenny mischievously.

"I'm not homophobic." Lenny hissed through his teeth as he gave Lance a death stare.

"Look," Stephanie began as she shifted on her seat and leaned in towards the table. "All I'm trying to say is that you should be careful. It just doesn't make sense."

"Jeez," Lance rolled his eyes. "Thanks mum."

Stephanie leaned back and gave out an exasperated sigh while shaking her head at Lance. He was so damned stubborn.

Lance looked up at them with raised brows. "You both can go now." He said in a matter of fact tone.

"Thank God." Lenny whispered heavily and rolled his eyes as he grabbed his tray and stood to his feet; waiting for Stephanie to follow him. "Come on Steph."

Stephanie just sat there, staring at Lance. She swallowed hard before looking down at her plate and asking,"Are you still interested in the-"

"No I'm not interested in some stupid quiz competition." Lance cut her off. "No can you please leave me alone?"

Stephanie looked up at him and stared for a while.

"Come on Steph," Lenny placed a hand on her shoulder.

Stephanie then got up and followed Lenny to another table. A table filled with people like them. A table filled with nerds. Lance kept his eyes on his food as he picked up his burger piece by piece, and threw them into his mouth. He held himself from looking over at Stephanie and Lance at the other table, not because he was feeling bad about pushing them away even after thier concern for him, hell no, but because there was some truth to what to what she was saying. Trevor was never interested in being friends with him, why was he now?

Lance looked up at the table with Trevor's clique. They were all there. Laughing and chatting, feeling like the 'so called' Kentworth Royalties that they were fondly called. The handsome man-whores with thier sluts beside them. Proud bastards. They probably thought they were better than anyone else in the universe.

Lance paused when hour noticed something odd about the clique. He knew all of them and he could tell they were all at the table. Bruce with his arms over his girl's shoulder and a stupid smile on his face, Aaron and his ghetto bitch, Caleb and then Lisa; Trevor's girlfriend, but..... where was Trevor?

"Hey Lance," The familiar voice made Lance turn quickly and right there beside him with his tray of food in his hands, stood Trevor Bowman.

Lance was confused for first ten seconds as he stared up at Trevor towering over him. Trevor looked nervous as he kept tightening his grip on his food tray at both sides. Lance took his eyes off Trevor and glanced round the hall and noticed a few students also found the situation awkward. He turned in Lenny and Stephanie's direction and wasn't surprised when he saw them watching too.

"What do you want?" Lance finally turned to Trevor and asked.

"Can -uhm," Trevor swallowed hard before looking at his tray and back at Lance again. "Can I sit with you?"

Lance almost choked on his juice before he turned to Trevor with wide eyes. "Of course not." Lance spat.

Trevor clenched his jaw and gave a depressing sigh as he dropped his shoulders. He shot a nervous glance at the table were his friends were and looked back down at his tray.

"Yo!" Aaron yelled. "What's the matter Trevor? Toy Lonely?"

Everyone turned their heads in the direction of Trevor's friends and then to who they were talking to.

"Yeah," What's wrong?" Bruce the joined in. "You're boyfriend won't let you sit with him?" Then everyone at thier table burst into laughter. Thier laughter was so contagious, some students found themselves laughing along.

Lance turned away from Trevor's laughing friends and looked up at Trevor. Trevor was glaring at them, before he turned and walked away from Lance's table. He walked over to an empty table at the corner and dropped to his seat. He didn't even both looking up at all. He didn't care.

Lance looked over at Trevor's friends again. They were still laughing like the bloody hyenas that they were.

"You're a real disappointment Trevor!" Bruce yelled. "A big one."

Lance was shocked to that Lisa wasn't even saying anything. She didn't even raise he head from her food.

Lance looked over at Trevor again as he ate his meal; head faced down and not looking at anyone. Lance was confused now. For the first time in a long time, he was confused.

What the hell is going on?

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