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Two days later, at the beginning of football practice after school, that was when he caught sight of Lance. Trevor had not set his eyes on Lance since the incident at the café that day. Trevor walked ahead of Caleb, Aaron and Bruce as they all headed into the school stadium when he saw Lance move into the locker room.

He hurried into the hall in time to see Lance pull of his shirt and drop it in his locker.

“Hey,” Trevor uttered as he walked over to him.

“Hey,” Lance replied without looking at him.

“You okay?”

Lance pulled out his jersey and his boots before he spun to Trevor with steely green eyes. “Dude, I don’t want to talk about it.  Right now, please.”

He was about to walk past Trevor, but Trevor was quick to block him. “Lance, what’s wrong?”

“Trevor, please,” Lance said with his eyes fixed to the floor. “I can’t do this right now.”

Trevor was about to open his mouth to say something, but he paused when he heard the cheers and the laughter of the other boys making their way into the locker room.

Lance took the opportunity and walked past him and Trevor stood there watching him leave the locker room shirtless with his jersey and his boots in his hands.

Throughout practice, Lance never said a word to Trevor, and even when Trevor spoke to him, Lance didn’t reply.

When training was finally over, Trevor hurried to see if he could catch up with Lance, but Bruce and Aaron delayed him. Lance took his shower, got dressed and left.

When Trevor got outside, he searched the stadium, but Lance was long gone.

Lisa appeared from nowhere and jumped on his shoulder.

“Hey you,” she shrieked with delight.

Trevor spun and found her smiling up at him. “Hey,” he said with a weak smile as his eyes looked away from her and scanned the stadium entrance.

“So,” Lisa said. “You ready to go?”

He looked down at her and raised his brows. “Huh?”

“You’re dropping me off today…,” she batted her eye lashes at him. “Remember?”

“Oh…yeah, sure,” he said as he swung his arms over her shoulder and pulled her closer; kissing her hair before they moved out of the stadium.

It was suffocating for Trevor that Lance was the only thing on his mind as he drove Lisa home that evening. In fact, Lance had been the only thing on his mind ever since he had slept with him that night.

Thinking back, Trevor didn’t know what came over him. He didn’t know the power Lance had over him. He felt slightly repulsed every time he remembered that night; their sweaty hard bodies slithering over each other. But then he would see Lance again and the aching sensation would be back in his groin. The lustful longing would return.

Trevor remembered when he and Lisa first had sex. It was under an oak tree on July 4th. The rest of the town hand gathered infront of the park to enjoy the dazzling fireworks display while Trevor and Lisa were in a secluded area, fucking their brains out. It scared him now that the memory was almost a blur in his mind compared to a few nights ago when he was doing the same with Lance.

The sweet sound of Elton John’s song, Sacrifice, playing in Lance’s room that night made it all too magical.

That was it.


With Lisa, it was great sex. He had fucked a few girls before her, but she was amazing.

Lance on the other hand, was different.

It was as if Trevor had just had sex for the first time all over again. Perhaps it was because he had never had sex with a guy before, so it was meant to feel awkward. It was meant to feel new and alien.

It was quite intriguing really; how Trevor was quickly aroused as soon as the vision of that night flashed in is head. Even the quick flash of Lance’s tattoo-covered lean muscled torso in the locker room that afternoon had sent him over the edge a little.

Christ,” Trevor thought to himself as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “What the fuck is wrong with me?”

“Trevor!” Lisa’s voice startled him.

“Yeah?” Trevor darted his eyes between his girlfriend and road as the car swayed side to side a bit.

“Babe, you just passed my house,” Lisa scowled.

Trevor looked back and hissed, “Oh shit.”

She was right. He had passed her house by three blocks already.

He stopped the car and reversed carefully.

“So sorry,” he apologized as he reached for Lisa’s hands and squeezed.

When the car stopped infront of Lisa’s driveway, he noticed Lisa staring at him askance.

“What?” he shrugged.

“Are you okay?” she asked in curiosity.

“Yeah,” he replied with a smile before he picked up her hand kissed it. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You just drove past my house by three blocks,” she said. “You’ve never done that before.”

Trevor raised his brows and shrugged. “I’m just tired, that’s all.”


“Yeah,” he replied. “I mean, coach has been working our asses off hard for the match against McKinley these past few days. My body hurts like hell.”

Lisa looked away from him and stared into space. “I guess you’re right,” she shrugged in agreement. “Cheerleading practice has been hell these past few weeks, too.”

“I swear, they’re trying to kill us before we graduate.” Trevor chuckled.

Lisa smiled at him before she spun and pushed the door open. She paused and spun to him again; pouting her lips playfully like a child. “So I guess that means you’re not coming in with me?”

Trevor gave her a wry smile and winced. “Sorry.”

She glared at him playfully for some seconds, before a smile played on her face.
“Okay then,” she said as she moved in and pressed her lips against his. “See you tomorrow.”


She moved out of the car and slammed the door before leaning on it and smiling at him through the window. “Better get home and get some rest,” she said as she stood up straight and started to back away from his car. “…’cause tomorrow, there will be no excuses.”

Trevor’s shoulders shook as he chuckled.

He stayed for a while and watched her as she walked up to her front door. She turned and waved at him and he waved back. She opened the door, walked in and slammed it behind her.

The moment she was out of sight, he then pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Lance’s number twice.

He didn’t pick up.

He exhaled heavily before driving his fingers through his blonde curls. He thought of what to do for a few seconds before he brought his phone up to his view and typed into it.

Trevor: I’m coming over.

Then he pressed the send button.

He dropped the phone on the passenger seat, took his hand to the ignition and twisted the key. The car engine roared to life before he moved out of Lisa’s driveway and coursed down the street.

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