130. (1)

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Lisa took a sip of her milk, before she looked down into the glass and was a bit surprised that she had already chugged down more than half of the liquid. She looked away from her class cup and eyed Bruce’s reading lamp on the table a few meters away. It was kind of weird how the light seemed to have deemed. It just wasn’t as bright as it was when she got into the room.

She felt someone’s breath on her neck, before she spun and came face to face with Bruce; suddenly noticing he was closer to her than he was before.

Bruce raised his seductive blue eyes to her and gave a mischievous smirk. “You smell nice.”

“Ehm…thanks?” Lisa flashed an uncertain smile.

Bruce slowly pulled back, the smile still on his face. “You’re welcome,” he exhaled.

“How’re you feeling?” Aaron asked.

Lisa looked up in Aaron’s direction and found him leaning on the wall at the far corner. “Okay, I guess. She then felt Bruce’s palm on her shoulder. She spun and faced him again.

“You still need to rest though,” Bruce’s voice was almost a whisper as his hands rubbed down from her shoulder…going down her back.

Lisa kept her eyes on him, before she looked up at Aaron who flashed her a smile. She looked down at Bruce again and found him watching her. There was something about the way his eyes watched her.

Something eerie about how his hands travelled up and down her back.

Lisa paused.

She looked away from Bruce and stared into space when she noticed the room started to spin. She squeezed her eyes shut for a few seconds, hoping it would all stop, but when she opened them again, everything still looked unsteady.

“Lisa,” Bruce’s voice made her turn again. “Are you okay?”

Lisa opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. It was as if she wanted to speak, but she couldn’t. She then shook her head slowly and immediately felt Bruce’s hands on her shoulders again.

“See,” Bruce uttered as he searched her eyes. “We told you. You need to rest, Lisa.”

“Yeah,” Aaron added as he lifted himself of the wall and came closer. “You don’t look too good.”

Lisa raised her eyes from the glass cup in her hand and looked up at Aaron. The room was still spinning. Her eyes felt as heavy as every limb on her body. The room had suddenly become so hot. She looked around and it was as though the walls were closing in on her.

“Lisa, come on,” Bruce’s grip on her shoulder tightened a little. “You’re making us worry."

Lisa looked up into his eyes and realized there was no single hint of concern on his face.

“Yeah, girl,” Aaron added, coming closer. “You need to relax.”

Lisa looked up Aaron as well and saw the same look Bruce had. It was almost as if their look of concern was feigned, but Lisa wasn’t sure. She wasn’t sure of anything right now.

Her eyes started to close.

She couldn’t move her arms as quickly as she used to.

“What’s wrong with me?” Lisa thought to herself, as she looked down at her body. It was as if she had lost control of her bodily functions. Her head started to ache and her breathing started to shallow.

“Okay, that’s it,” Bruce exhaled as he started to gently push her against the bed. “You’re sleeping now.”

“Damn right,” Aaron added as he moved over, took the almost-empty glass of milk from her and took it to Bruce’s reading table.

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