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    That evening, Stephanie stood right in front of the door of the Foster house, waiting for it to open. She had knocked twice and held herself from knocking again after she had heard Lenny's mother yell, "Lenny, can you get that?" from the other side of the door.

    A few hours ago; after school had closed that day, she heard the familiar voice of Caleb calling her from behind. She had already made her way to the school parking lot, looking for Lenny so they could go home together. She spun and saw Caleb hurrying over, so she had to slow down and then stop.

    She was curious as to what he wanted to tell her and that's why she was shocked when Caleb invited her for Bruce's party.

    "Oh..Oh, I-ehm- I see," Stephanie had stuttered.

    She was speechless. She had taken one look at Caleb's eyes and realised he would not take 'No' for an answer. She took her eyes off him and glanced at the students passing them by. Some of them were looking at the both of them with curiosity.

    Most especially, Tessa and Keith; two of Stephanie's colleagues whom she studied for the upcoming quiz with.

    "If you don't come, " Caleb's voice pulled her attention back. "I'm not to going."

    Stephanie shot her wide eyes back to him. She was expecting to him laugh afterwards, but his face remained stern.

    Jesus, he was serious.

    At that point, Stephanie didn't remember saying yes, but she remembered saying something that had suddenly caused a smile to play on Caleb's face before he backed away and uttered an enthusiastic, "It's eight o clock, remember!"

    Suddenly, the door to Lenny's house swung open; bringing Stephanie back to the present. The look on Lenny's face when his eyes landed on Stephanie, turned from curiosity into confusion.

    First of all, he took in her large grey sweater and full jeans trousers.

    "Steph," Lenny said as his eyes travelled up and down her outfit. " What are you doing here? We don't have study group today, do we?"

    Stephanie deadpaned, before she moved past him and entered the warmth of his home. She stopped, turned and watched him shut the door before she raised her arms and crossed them over her chest.

    "Hope you're not busy tonight."

    Lenny studied her while giving rapid blinks of perplexity. "What do you mean?"

    "Stephanie sweetie," Lenny's mother interrupted them as she walked out of the dinning area; moving straight to Stephanie to give her a hug. "How are you darling."

    "I'm fine Mrs Foster," Stephanie gave her a polite smile as she gently hugged her as well. 

    "And your mum?"

    "She's good."

    "That recipe she gave me with the dates was absolutely magnificent. Lenny and his father didn't want to eat anything else for a whole week."

    "Really?" Stephanie raised her brows as her smile got wider. "She'll be glad you liked it I'm sure."

    Mrs Foster then clapped her hands together and looked away from Stephanie to Lenny and then back to Stephanie again with a kind smile on her face.

    "Well then, I guess I'll have to make dinner for an extra person."

    "Oh, that won't be necessary Mrs Foster," Stephanie said. "Lenny and I are going to a party right now anyway."

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