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That same day,Trevor sat there in the school Library, observing pretty girls that walked in and even flirting with some of them while he waited for Lance. He lifted his wristwatch to his view.

"11:14 am."

He dropped his hand, sighed in frustration and looked to Library entrance . "Where the hell is he?"

Then suddenly, as if a divine being had answered his question, Trevor saw the Library door swing open and Lance walking in.

"Twerp," Trevor hissed under his breath as he eyed Lance.

Black t-shirt, black skinny jeans and black sneakers, as usual. Trevor was beginning to think this guy actually did worship the devil or something. Even on that faithful Saturday, he wasn't wearing a black t-shirt, but he had a black tank top on with blue shorts below. Trevor remembered how Lance looked that Saturday; like a freaking rock star. The way his tattoo of pink roses on thorned vines seemed to flow down his arm and stop at his wrist where he had a leather hand band on. A hand band Lance had been wearing ever since Trevor had laid eyes on him. A band Lance never seemed to take off, not even during soccer practice.

"Okay," Lance sighed and yanked Trevor back to the present as he dropped to the empty seat beside him. "..Let's begin."

Trevor gave a smug before crossing his hands over his chest. "You're late."

Without even turning to look at him, Lance raised his middle finger at him and Trevor suddenly burst into laughter. He laughed for about three seconds and then stopped as if he just did something strange. He raised his confused eyes to Lance and saw that Lance was giving him an equally slightly astonished look. It was indeed an awkward moment for some reason.

Trevor looked away and cleared his throat before he turned back to Lance. "So," Trevor raised his hand to rub the back of his neck. "What are we doing today?"

Lance away from and towards the books he had spread out on the table. "Well, "We'll start with the exercises you failed..." He said, before he turned to Trevor again. "...Woefully."

"What?" Trevor's eyes narrowed at Lance.

Lance rolled his eyes and turned to him again. "You didn't get one question right, Trevor," he said. "Not one."

"That's bullshit," Trevor hissed. "I was sure of everything in wrote."

"Yeah," Lance smirked and uttered in clear sarcasm. "Sure."

"I'm serious Lance. I did them all like you taught me."

"But you failed them."

"I didn't - I.." Trevor stuttered as he felt angry at Lance for some reason. By the way Lance's smirk grew into a smile as he folded his arms on his chest, Trevor could tell that he really enjoy this. Bloody jackass.

"Okay," Trevor raised his hands in surrender. "Fine. Let's just get through the fucking corrections and get the hell out of here."

Lance furrowed his brows and feigned confusion and pity as he tilted his head at Trevor. "Aww," Lance cooed as if he was talking to a baby. "Someone is mad because he actually found out he's a dumb ass."

Trevor flashed Lance a glare and held himself from knocking all of Lance's teeth into his mouth.

The lesson went on as Lance went through the corrections with him and also corrected the Homework he gave him that Saturday. Yes, Trevor failed those ones too. Lance then gave Trevor a few exercises to try right there in the library while he went on studying his biology.

Trevor was bent over in concentration for a few minutes before he raised his head to think for a while. He moved his eyes to Lance and noticed the crease on his feature as hour concentrated. The way his black curls hung. The way the whiteness of the paper reflected on his face and somehow enhanced the green in his eyes. Even though Trevor hated the dick-head more than anything, he had to admit, Lance was very good looking. He felt it was a shame he wasn't into girls; that's if he is being honest about his sexual orientation anyway.

Trevor thought back to the Saturday at the library when he asked Lance if he found him attractive. He could swear Lance had freaked out and darted out of the Library at once. Why he freaked out was something Trevor didn't know......or care, but he sure knew he enjoyed seeing Lance that way. It made him feel like he had conquered him; put him in his place. But it shocked Trevor that a part of him felt a little concerned.

"Why are you staring at me?" Lance's voice startled Trevor a little before Trevor noticed Lance's confused eyes on him.

"Nothing," Trevor waved away before facing his work again.

Few minutes passed before Trevor was finally done and then he gave Lance his work to look over and possibly correct. As Lance concentrated, still the crease on his face, Trevor kept watching him. The manner in which he didn't have to think before he made a correction on Trevor's work. A correction that even if Trevor was given a decade, he may probably not see.

Lance shook his head with a sigh and Trevor sensed disappointment. "My God," Lance sighed.

"What now?" Trevor exhaled.

"You really are a dumb ass..," Lance looked up at him and smirked. "Aren't you?"

Trevor clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes at Lance. It perplexed him the way Lance riled him easily. He watched as Lance chuckled and went back to giving corrections and suddenly, Trevor realised he would not be satisfied if he didn't hit back. The idea struck him immediately.

"So..," Trevor's angry had faded too quickly and there was an evil smile on his face now. "Have you ever done it..... you know, with a guy before?"

Lance's entire body became rigid instantly as he shot his head up and stared into space. He turned his eyes to a smiling Trevor. "What?" He scowled.

"Have you fucked or been fucked by a guy before?" Trevor repeated with a shrug.

Lance dropped his pen and suddenly began to massage his temple as if he had suddenly gotten a bad headache. "Oh my god," Lance closed his eyes and hissed with frustration.

Trevor was driving him crazy, and he liked it. It was sort of a win-win for them both. Lance would piss him off and he would make Lance uncomfortable in return. Trevor held back a laugh when he saw Lance already starting to tremble. Trevor was enjoying this.

Lance finally opened his eyes and glared at Trevor for a few seconds from lowered lids. He then turned away and began packing his books off the table and stuffing them into his bag vehemently and that was when Trevor started laughing.

"Aww," Trevor cooed. "Did I hurt you feelings."

Lance stood to his feet and turned to Trevor. "Fuck you," he spat.

Trevor held his belly kept laughing as quietly as he could even after he saw Lance disappear out the library door.

Trevor had to admit, he was starting to like this guy.

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