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The entire day just breezed by and Trevor suddenly found himself in the school stadium with his friends Aaron, Caleb and Bruce, along with the members of the school soccer team. They were all waiting for the coach to arrive as they sat by the bleachers. Caleb and Aaron were jogging round the field though, so it was just Bruce and Trevor.

"Damn dude," Bruce said, "I had a mad one last night."

Trevor turned to him with a smirk. "with Megan?"

Bruce nodded and sighed in longing manner; in a way that showed he was remembering something so pleasant that happened in the past. He was remembering his time with Megan.

"I swear to God man," He went on, looking down at Trevor. "She always knows the right button to push."

Trevor chuckled. It always amused him when Bruce talked about his sexual escapades with Megan like this. But he was always also intrigued at the fact that Megan had gotten it off with so many guys at school and Bruce knew about this, but for some reason, he wasn't bothered.

"As long as we use a condom, we are good," Bruce would always shrug. Bruce was no angel himself. He had slept with so many girls, even while he was with Megan,but of course, she didn't care. To be honest, heir relationship was one that baffled Trevor.

"Dude, please tell me you're not giving another description on how you fucked Megan last night," Aaron uttered with heavy breaths, as he ran over and joined Trevor and Bruce at the bleachers with Caleb beside him.

"Not yet," Bruce smirked at him, but when his eyes met that of Caleb,Bruce's smirk grew into a mischievous grin.

Trevor looked over at Caleb and saw him flash Bruce a glare before he mumbled, "I need to get water." Then he walked away.

Trevor watched Caleb walk away for a while, before he turned and saw Bruce's eyes on him too; with a smirk on his face.

"Just stop it," Trevor rolled my eyes at Bruce.

"Stop what?" Bruce feigned innocence with a shrug.

"You know what," Trevor fired back with a slight glare of warning.

Megan used to date Caleb before Bruce snatched her off with his bad boy persona and when that happened, Bruce and Caleb were at loggerheads, until they all decided to settle it once and for all between them. Trevor, Caleb and Bruce had been friends since childhood; the sixth grade to be precise. Aaron then joined the clique in nineth grade.

It really pissed Trevor off when he realised their friendship was going to be thrown away because of a girl and so, Caleb had to accept that she was with Bruce now and had to call a truce. But Bruce, on the other hand, was not going to stop being an asshole. He kept giving the stories of his sexual exploits with Megan, and even Trevor knew that Bruce was just rubbing it in Caleb's face.

Everyone ignored him though. That was Bruce.

Finally, Coach Riley made his way into field in quick and hurried paces with two other people behind him. Lenny, who was the water boy and .... Trevor immediately felt the bile in his throat rise when he saw who was behind Lenny, walking ever so calmly.


Trevor didn't even know why Lance was a part of the soccer team, hell, he didn't even know why Lance would be a part of any team since he was such a self-centred jackass.

"Okay boys!" Coach yelled before blowing on his whistle. "Let's go! let's go!"

Practice started as usual with warm ups, before coach split them up to two teams of five each. Trevor, Aaron and Lance were on the same team and Trevor tried to ignore the fact that Lance was on his team and just play the bloody game.

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