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Blinley’s wasn’t too far from the school and that’s why they were all able to walk down to the school campus where Caleb and Trevor had left their cars.

Tessa had reminded Stephanie that they still had to pay Lenny a visit at the hospital. Caleb had concluded that they should be leaving when he checked his watch and found out it was six-thirty.

Someone had to go and get Lance and Trevor in the restroom and Stephanie happily volunteered. And, well, you know the rest of the story.

Right from when they left Blinley’s, to the time they walked down to the school, Stephanie didn’t say a word.

Tessa and Keith were tap dancing on the concrete sidewalk, singing; their golden cup in the air like two drunken teenagers even though all they had were sodas.

Trevor and Lance watched Stephanie with apprehension as she walked beside Caleb. Even though they had begged her not to tell anyone, they were still scared; considering the fact that she had glared at them for almost a minute before storming out of the restroom.

Lance and Trevor had intentionally fallen behind the others as they walked. “What the hell was she doing in the male restroom anyway?” Lance whispered heavily to Trevor as he pushed his trembling hands into his pockets; looking forward and making sure nobody could hear them from in front.

“Shh,” Trevor replied with a whisper. “That doesn’t matter now. We just have to make sure she doesn’t tell anyone.”

“Want me to threaten her?”

Trevor paused and scowled at Lance.

A smile grew on Lance’s face when he looked at Trevor. “Dude,” he chuckled with a shrug. “Chill. I was kidding.”

They both faced forward; their eyes landing on Stephanie walking side by side with Caleb.

It was funny, but something deep within Lance made him feel at ease. He didn’t know Stephanie much, but somehow, he felt he could trust her. Somehow, he felt she would not say a word.

The moment they got to the school. Caleb told Trevor and Lance that he was going along with Stephanie and the others to see Lenny in the hospital.

“You guys wanna come?” Caleb asked.

Trevor and Lance kept their eyes on Stephanie as she shot them a glare before getting into Caleb’s car.

“Uhm-No man,” Trevor replied. “We’re good.”

“Oh,” Caleb replied as he nodded. “Okay then. See you on Monday.”

As the car backed away, Tessa and Keith stuck their heads outside the window. “Thanks Lance!” Keith screamed, while Tessa just kept blowing them kisses. “You are the man!”

Trevor felt the hair at the back of his neck stand when he saw Stephanie still glaring at them as the car moved down the school drive way. They both watched the car move down the street before they both got into Trevor’s car and sighed.

“This is a nightmare.” Trevor uttered.

Lance turned to him. “Why?” he smiled mischievously. “..Because we got caught?”

“Dude,” Trevor faced Lance. “What if she tells Caleb? We should have followed them to that hospital just to make sure.”

Lance rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone from his pocket. “Trevor, relax,” Lance said as he started to type something into his phone. “Stephanie won’t tell him.”

“How do you know that?”

“..Because I just told her not to.” Lance raised his phone to Trevor’s eyes and Trevor quickly read the message he just sent to her.

Lance: Please dnt  tell Caleb. Please.

He brought the phone down and shoved it in his pocket. “Now, can we go home please?” Lance exhaled. “It’s been a long day and I’m really tired.”

“No shit,” Trevor snorted as he twisted the key and started the engine.

Trevor stopped the car infront of Lance’s drive way. He watched Lance step out of the car, slam the door behind him and then turn to face him. “You’re sure you don’t want to come in for a bit?” Lance asked with a smile.

Trevor shook his head. “Nah,” he replied. “Have to meet Lisa.”

Lance nodded slowly.

His eyes drifted away from Trevor in thought before he looked back down at him again.

Both boys just stayed there, staring at each other.

Trevor watched Lance eyes suddenly go soft, before he opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again.

“What?” Trevor asked.

“Nothing,” Lance smiled wryly, before he patted the hood of the car. “Go on Trev. See you on Monday.”

Trevor hesitated for a bit, but then started the engine and then drove off.

Lance stood there for a while; the cool night air hitting his body and tugging on his black curls as he watched the car move down the street and disappear into the night. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket before he pulled it out and read the message sent to him.

Stephanie: I won’t tell. But we need to talk.

Quick question,.....

Team Trevor & Lisa?


Team Trevor and Lance.?

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