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The next day at school, Lance was in the Library studying. It was weird for him, but this was what he liked to do. He would settle for anywhere in this dump, so far the number of dick-heads would be on the low. He rubbed his bruised cheek and tried not to touch his plastered up nose. It hurt like a bitch.

He looked round and was sort of happy that no one was paying attention to him. He looked like shit, but nobody cared. When he got home yesterday from the nurse's, his mom was petrified, but he told her to mind her fucking business. Even when she kept knocking at his door for hours, he drowned it out with his ear phones to his ear. He wasn't going to tolerate pity from his parents or anyone else for that matter.

Lance looked up from his book just in time to see Stephanie walk into the library with her books clutched to her chest as always.

"Of course."

He had seen Lenny earlier on when he himself walked in and knew it wouldn't be long before Stephanie walked in too. They were inseparable. Like brother and sister. It was pathetic.

When Stephanie's eyes caught sight of Lance, she stopped moving and her eyes widened. Lance looked away and clenched his jaw, praying to God she didn't come anywhere near him because she was the last person he wanted to deal with right now.

As if reading his mind, Lenny suddenly called for Stephanie from across the hall with a loud "Psst."

She turned and saw Lenny beckoning to her from three rows behind Lance. She looked over at Lenny and then back at Lance. Lance was a little relieved when he saw her moving towards her friend; her worried eyes still trained on him.

Lance sat there for a while, scribbling down solutions to the algebra questions in his text book into his notebook. He felt the need to turn and sneak a peek at Lenny and Stephanie far behind him because something told him they were talking about him. When he decided to fake a stretch, he cunningly turned back and saw them talking to each other in hushed tones. Stephanie turned to look at him with worried eyes again, but Lance quickly turned away.

He went on studying as he chose to ignore whatever they were saying. He's stomach began to growl and that was when he remembered he had not eaten anything since last night.

He leaned back on his seat and flinched when he suddenly felt someone touch him on his shoulder. He did not need to turn to see who it was. Instead, just gave an exasperated sigh.

Stephanie came into view as she sat herself down on a seat beside him with her hands still on his shoulders.

"Hey," she said softly."You-you okay?"

"Fuck off," Lance said bluntly; his eyes still fixed else where.

"Le-Lenny told me what happened,"she uttered.

"Well, Lenny should learn to mind his business."

Stephanie lifted her small hands from his shoulders and reached for Lance's bruised cheek, but he moved away.

"What?" He growled.

"D-does it hurt?" She asked.

"Jesus Christ, Sally," Lance turned to her fully now. "What's your problem? what the fuck do you want?"

Stephanie felt a sharp ache in her heart at the fact that he didn't even know her name. "I just wanted to know -."

"Wanted to know what?" Lance's eyes tore into her like daggers. "To know what? If I would fuck you?"

Stephanie eyes widened in shock as she pulled back a little.

"You want to know If I would fuck you, right?" Lance kept asking through his teeth. "Is that what you want?"

Stephanie kept shaking her head as she darted her eyes to every corner of the library, making sure no one was staring, but they were, because his voice was quite audible in the quiet hall.

"You listen to me, slut..," Lance spat the words out like venom on Stephanie's face and Stephanie darted her tear filled eyes back to him as if those words had slapped her on the face. "I already told you, I'm gay. You know what that means, it means I don't like you and I never will. So quit waving you fucking cunt in my face and leave me the fuck alone."

Stephanie let out a quiet whimper before she quickly raised her hand to squeeze her mouth shut before her cry would echo round the hall. She watched Lance pack up his books into his bag and make his way towards the Library entrance.

Lenny was hurrying towards her when Lance was moving away. Her eyes never left him, even as the Librarian let out a loud "Shhh" when she heard him cussing under his breath.

Lance then responded by raising his middle finger at the woman, without even looking at her, just before he pushed the entrance door open, and left the Library.

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