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Nalanni's POV💜•

Hi guys! Ik im new to yall but I wanna tell some some stuff about me. Mh name is Nalanni (Nuh law knee) Jordan and Im 14 years old. I was the only child until I found out I had a sister. Im going to the 10th grade this year. My birthday is August 30th and im a virgo. Ummmm.... what else? Im excited that I have 2 nieces, a nephew, a sister, and a brother in law. Now the story finna start sorry yall.

It was 7:30 am and I just woke up. I looked in the dressers and saw some female clothes, so I grabbed a outfit and took a shower. I went in the bathroom and I was amazed at how big everything was. I got in the shower and washed my hair, when I got out I used the lotion and deodorant.

I still needed a toothbrush and toothpaste so I went to go find Ari. I went from door to door just knocking hoping that she was in one of them. I got to a open door and it was a nursery. I saw Dave in there putting clothes away. "Hi Dave. Can I please have a toothbrush and toothpaste? I hope you guys dont mind but I took a shower and used the clothes that were in the room I slept in. "Its fine. Whats ours is yours. There are toothbrushes and toothpaste under the sink in every bathroom." I nodded. "Thanks."

I finished brushing my teeth and I went downstairs to the kitchen. I was going to cook for them to show my thanks. Im making bacon, sausage, eggs, french toast, and hash browns. I was almost done when I saw a little girl come down the stairs. "Good morning mommy! Wait you not my mommy! Who are you?" She yelled. "Calm down please. I am your mommy's little sister." She smiled. "Im going to have a little sister and brother. Im so excited to be a big sister." I smiled at her excitement for her siblings. "Whats you name?" She tapped my butt. "Im Nalanni but you can call me Lani or TT Lani." She nodded.

"My name is Kairi Chanel Brewster and you can call me Kai." She hugged my legs. "Hi Kai. You wanna help me make the eggs. I already made everything else but you can help me with this part." She nodded. So, we finished cooking.

"Kai can you go get your mommy and daddy for me?" She nodded and ran upstairs fast. I put everything on the dining table and grabbed juice out the fridge.

We was all eating breakfast in silence. "Im sorry mamas but Nalanni can throw down in the kitchen." She looked fake hurt. "Wowwww. I ain't gone cap this food is bomb as hell though."

"thanks. Ari is it possible if you become my legal guardian so that I can finish school? I really wanna finish and I cant go to school in Vegas if I live here now." She nodded. "We can go enroll you today if you want. You will be going to the high school version of Kai's elementary." "Thanks so much."

Ari's POV🦋•

We are on our way from school enrollment. Dave went to do some celebrity tattoo. I finished the nursery already, but I feel like shopping more. "Yall wanna go shopping ?" Kai screamed, "Yessss!" But, Nalanni was a little hesitant. "I dont want you to be spending a lot of money on me." I rolled my eyes. "Money isnt a problem with us. If you want something just tell me or Dave." I nodded. "Is it some typa nickname you got bc yo name is long asfk to say." We laughed together. "Umm... people at my old school called me Nani or Nala."

Kairi gasped. "Nala like from Lion King. Are you a lion?" I shook my head. "No Kai its just a nickname." She shrugged her shoulders.

We made it to the mall. "Ari are you excited for your wedding in 2 days ?" She blushed. "I am but Im nervous for some reason."

"Where is yall honeymoon going to be? I can watch Kai while yall are gone."

"We going to Hawaii for a week and a half. I would really appreciate that."

We shopped until it was dark outside. Kai was asleep in my arms and I laid her in her carseat and we drove back to the house.

I went to put away all my new clothes. "Thank you so much Ari for my clothes." I hugged her.

Ari's POV 🦋•

I honestly cant believe my wedding is in 2 days !!!

What yall think about this one ?

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