Birthday| Saiouma Oneshot

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Soulmate AU where you at
also not canon dates

It was a quiet ending to his birthday. He was born during one of the cursed AMs, so he felt obligated to stay up until then despite the exhausting but amazing party his friends threw together for him. Shuichi got up as he realized he would be turning 16 any moment now. Normally, he would go straight to bed and contemplate life for awhile before waking up at 3am for no reason. His birthdays were usually no different, but in this world, 16th birthdays meant something life changing would appear on his body. Shuichi would be getting his soulmate's name on inside of his wrist as soon as he officially turned 16. Nervous energy seemed to collect around him as the number on the clock went up slowly, painfully. Until he turned 16.

Kokichi Ouma

Shuichi's thoughts whirled. His first, was that he was glad it was someone he knew. After all, he liked where he was in life and didn't want to have to travel to find his soulmate. Shu's second realization came soon after. It was someone he knew. Someone important to him, more than they could ever know. He was happy where he was in life, but how could he continue to act normal around Kokichi now? The boy only had... 3 months until they turned 16. Kokichi had no idea what name was inscribed on Shuichi's wrist, and Shu wasn't planning to tell him.

After all, what if Kokichi felt obligated to now date Shuichi instead of being with someone he actually lov... cared about? Kokichi would hate him, even if Shuichi would cherish every moment they had together. He would be in the way of Kichi's actual happiness and soulmate, just because fate intertwined them. He wouldn't be happy, and it was selfish for Shuichi to only want himself to be happy. A small, defeated laugh fell from his lips as he laid back down in his bed. His phone flicked off as Shuichi closed his eyes. Happy birthday, indeed.
Kokichi Ouma's POV
Shuichi had been acting weird. For too long. Kokichi told himself it was because he found out who his soulmate was at first, and Shu would become normal soon. He knew that was immediately a lie. After all, why would Shuichi only avoid him... on purpose, no less? It was perplexing, and Kichi felt himself frown every time Shumai turned his back and ran away. Every time he tried to pry, Shuichi just kept running. Kaito, Kaede, Maki, Rantaro, not even Kirumi had an answer for him! That was rare, because Shuichi seemed to confide everything to those people without question. Kokichi couldn't help but wonder if this behavior was his fault. If Shuichi finally got tired of his games, his lies, and began to leave Kichi in the dust. He laughed that reasoning off quickly. It couldn't be that, it just couldn't. Even if it seemed the most plausible, it wasn't the reason. Or that's what Kokichi told himself over, and over again, at least.
"Woahhh! Balloons and streamers! What's the occasion?~" Kokichi asked, laughing at their shocked expressions. Even to him, it felt a bit hollow." Can't believe you'd host such a party for lil' ol' me! Where's the cake?" He said excitedly, despite the hollow feeling lingering. Kokichi knew exactly where that painful feeling was coming from. Shuichi Saihara. The boy who barely looked or talked to him for three months. Three whole months, without an explanation. Honestly? He could totally care less right now. Kichi didn't care what Shuichi was doing, how he was feeling, who his soulmate was, if he still remembered him-... He totally didn't care.

The time for presents arrived and that hollow feeling in his chest lingered despite the party. Kokichi had the look of a child as he tore through wrapping paper, throwing the bows on Kiibo at every chance he had. It was amazing, how many accurate gifts he got or handmade ones that made his heart flutter. His eyes drew to the last present as the party branched off from him and people began to dance, drink and do karaoke. It was a small box that fit inside of his hand. Purple ribbon on a blue box. Kokichi widened his eyes and stuffed the box into his pocket, realizing one thing.

Shuichi visited the party, and he couldn't be far. He didn't have a car, so Kokichi would have to be able to find him nearby. As he rushed towards the door, something caught his eye. The clock had struck 00:00. His soulmate's name would've been appearing on his wrist now. Kokichi didn't care in that moment, though, because no matter who his soulmate was, he had someone more important he had to track down. His legs sped down the street, lamp posts flickering on just as he reached them. A silhouette was running down the street as well, away from him.

"Shuichi!" Kokichi cried, only barely getting into range to grab his wrist. The light above them turned on in a dramatic reveal. Shuichi didn't even turn to look at him. He didn't run away for once, and Kichi decided this was his chance to pry the truth from him." Shumai, why won't you look at me? Has the great detective figured out I'm a murderer or something?" he asked, a shallow smile on his face. It took more than he would've liked to not burst out in tears and begin yelling at the boy with all his might, but this was supposed to be his interrogation.

"K...Ko...Ouma," Shuichi's voice came out hoarse and raspy, as if he hadn't used it for awhile or like he had been crying with no pauses between. It had been three months since he even said Kokichi's name, but to use his last name? That felt like Shumai was writing him off as a stranger." Do... you're 16 now," he murmured, keeping his voice down. It sounded like he had already burst into tears even though he wrung himself dry. Kokichi felt the boy's hand tighten around his with no warning as he waited for a response, nearly crushing Kichi's loose hold on him.

"Well duh! You got me a present and didn't even know my agee....- oh! Oh~!" as Kokichi vocalized his surprise, Shuichi's grip greatly loosened. Like he was planning to bolt as soon as Kokichi figured it out." Is it perhaps—" he began, slyly slipping in front of Shuichi who immediately snapped his head down—"because you figured out who my soulmate is and thought it was your responsibility to keep it from me for my own sake?" Bullseye. Shuichi backed up, his eyes finally meeting Kokichi's full of tears. His hands were shaking as he pulled on his sleeves, pressing his nails into them." Well, you can see how I react now, and then you don't have to worry! Introducing...!" Kokichi started to announce, rolling down his sleeve. Shuichi lunged just a bit too late as they both saw the name.

Shuichi Saihara

Kokichi for once, didn't know how to react. He wanted to cheer, to hug Shuichi and declare his undying affection. Shuichi had other plans. Tears soaked his shoes as the blue haired boy gently held Kokichi's exposed wrist, hanging his head in shame. And in three months, he spoke to Ouma. The whole story, "I'm- I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry Kokichi. I left- I left you for three months because I was scared and... well, you see now. The world dictated you'd be mine... I mean my soulmate! And I might've really wanted that but you'd have no choice. And that's cruel because I know no one would want to be with me so you don't have to force you—"

Grabbing his waist in one hand and his hand in another, Kokichi yanked Shuichi closer to him. He stopped talking in surprise, and Kokichi quickly took that chance to stand on Shuichi's shoes and gently kiss the boy in his arms. Tears, perhaps from them both, touched Kichi's cheeks as Saihara quietly reciprocated, hugging Kokichi close. He had a tight grip, like the smaller boy would just vanish the moment he pulled away. His lips were soft against Kokichi's, and he knew it was too short after they pulled away." Soulmate or not, I'd still love you," Ouma whispered into the taller boy's chest. Still in Shuichi's arms, Kokichi laid his head sideways against his chest in quiet victory. His interrogation was successful, after all.

Been feeling like procrastinating lately so I'm really sorry this came out like 3 months since the last one (idk i didn't check) but it's like double the usual length so hope you had fun at least?

Danganronpa Ship Headcanons/ OneshotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara