Priceless Lights| KomaHina Oneshot

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a song might've inspired past you, enjoy this.

           Nagito wrung his hands in the towel and passed it on to the person behind him, scolding the immediate bad thoughts that barged into his head. He took a seat next to Hajime, who acknowledged him but kept writing in his notepad. Whatever he was doing, it seemed stressful because he always closes his eyes to think whenever things go bad." What's Hajime getting you for Valentines?" Chiaki asked, finding it boring to wait for Izuru to come back.  Nagito shrugged," I'd have no way to look into his... mind. What about you?" He reversed the question, refraining from his self loathing to listen to Chiaki rant.

        "Of course, he's amazing  so I think he can afford it," Chiaki reassured after Nagito's doubtful look." Seems fit for the ultimates, I don't think I'd like anyone to buy me anything. I'm never worthy," Nagito responded, watching as the rest of the class sat down after mud digging. He heard Hajime groan from beside him but gave it no thought." Izuru said he was planning to dance for me this holiday but he'll be too exhausted to do any active later," Chiaki continued, but stopped as the bell rung. Nagito felt Hajime grab his hand as they walked out of the class together, Hinata still trying to use his notepad with one hand.

       "Hinata-kun, you could just let go of my hand," Nagito pointed out as they began to walk down the stairs. Hajime snapped his hand away, a blush crushing his face," It's just a habit!" He mumbled, walking slightly ahead." Hey Nagito, are you free on Valentines?" Hajime asked, slowing down considerably as he tried to write." Oh, I'm always free for you, what did you need  me to do?" Nagito asked, smiling brightly. Hajime returned the smile, finally closing his notepad." I'm going to call you and tell you to come somewhere the day before Valentines, so..." Hajime trailed off, probably not wanting to spoil anything. Nagito smiled, grabbing his hand and kissing it before departing back into his home.

       The next week was more painful than normal. Nagito was overwhelmed with ideas of what Hajime was planning. So much so, he was fearful that when the day came, he would've already imagined the scenario and would be less surprised. Two days before Valentines, Hajime was angrily hunched over a laptop, looking up something and transferring it to a document. When Nagito came close, he slammed it shut and tried to look natural." Eheheh, sorry Nagito, trying to do something, don't worry about it," Hajime reassured, though it did little to calm his nerves

      But then Valentines rolled around, and Nagito got the call at 10:30pm exactly. It was Hajime, someone who was so insistent on proper sleep, calling him and telling him to go on this hour drive to an abandoned parking lot. And like the crazy person he is, Nagito did it. He heard Hajime's soft voice in his ear as a blindfold was out on him. Panic didn't have time to set in before Hajime was guiding him somewhere where the ground was damp and the air was fresh. Hinata- Kun even had his feet close to Nagito's, making sure that he didn't step in any potholes or anything. Or that was what Nagito was assuming.

        The cloth was removed and a new spectacle arose. Tiny buds of light flew into the night sky, flittering around like stars. The light cascaded down on the flowers that laid beneath his feet, and the light bounced back into his eyes. Nagito held back a sob and turned to Hajime, who seemed equally as joyful and relieved as Nagito was. They turned to face each other, and worriedly, Hajime asked," D-Do you like it?" His face softened as he felt Nagito hug him, and they stood there in each other's embrace. It seemed like years before they pulled away, and Nagito couldn't help but chortle.

         A new wonder occurred. Two little buds of light landed directly on Nagito's nose. Hajime laughed as Ko scrunched up his face in surprise. He leaned backwards, observing Nagito in his entirety, and teased," The fireflies like you!" Komaeda was still as he possibly could be, afraid to scare away the beautiful creatures. He was startled when Hajime suddenly wrapped an arm around his waist boldly. They stared into each other's eyes before meeting in a warm, tender kiss. It felt like magic sparked between them, and the scenery blessed their emotions. They finally pulled away, and Nagito couldn't help but notice.

Hajime had a firefly on his nose now, and Nagito was missing one of the creatures.

i'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly

Yes it's Fireflies, future me.

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