Tomorrow Doesn't Exist| KomaHina Oneshot

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       A repeating world- or more specifically a repeating day. It never changed, but everything else did. That's the world Hajime lives in now. The worst part was that he sought it out, looking for the happiness brought by hope. It wasn't all hopeless though, there were methods of escape. A love confession that was mutual or kill someone else. The latter was undesirable, because there were notes that people who killed to get out were marked once they were sent out. No one wants to risk that, hopefully, though Nekomaru offered to die for all of them once. That was another perk, he got to hang out with people he genuinely enjoyed.

        Memories, bodies and emotions crossed over each reset. It was a refreshing feeling at first, but now it got repetitive. Hajime stopped in front of the tree where exactly 27 leaves would rattle from the branches and each would get crunched by the animals. Nagito came from the other side, waving a greeting." What did you need, Ko?" Hajime asked, being careful not to trample the squirrel. The 24 leaf fell on Nagito's head as he excitedly looked at Hajime and beamed," I know how to get us both out, it's a completely full proof plan, I'm sure of it." Now that got Hajime excited. Being stuck in a loop got tiring, and all Hajime really wanted was to leave.

        "Alright, what do we need to do?" Hajime inquired as they walked into the little shed. Nagito locked the door quickly and walked over to a wall, leaving Hajime hanging by the door." Before we do this, you're willing to do whatever it takes to escape, right?" Nagito coerced, hidden from view." I'm willing to do a lot of things," Hajime responded, raising an eyebrow at the sentiment. There was a ripping sound, tape probably and then a grunt." Alright, by the wall, grab the bat first," Nagito directed from behind the planks of wood. A bad feeling began to expand in Hajime's stomach, but he did so.

        "Alright, I've got something here, turn the corner while swinging the bat as hard as you can, and then kill it after it's knocked out, alright?" Nagito continued to explain. This began to sound extremely fishy- what exactly was he hitting? But Hajime trusted Nagito's scheme, and he approached the barricade and swung the bat while going behind it. A heavy collision threw Hajime backwards a bit and a loud thud sounded. The bat rolled down the slanted shed and hit a chair leg. It all hit Hajime at once. Nagito was lying there, eyes closed and a large bruise on the side of his head." And then kill it after it's knocked out," is what he said. Nagito... Nagito wanted Hajime to kill him to be free.

          There was a knife, one long enough just to pierce the heart. Hajime reached for it and stopped. This wasn't right, he couldn't do it. He turned his back and instead kneeled down to check what Nagito did to himself. The white haired boy taped his ankles and wrists together to stop him from flailing, and it seemed he was planning to tape his mouth too but decided against it. No matter, it was all pointless anyways. Hajime wasn't going to kill Nagito. He began to work at the tape when a voice spoke up, albeit very hoarsely," you do-don't hi very hard." Hajime' head shot up to Nagito, who had pried one eye open and a neutral smile on his face.

        "What were you thinking?! You could've been- I could've ki-" Hajime stopped himself. He couldn't bear to finish the sentence." That was the point, Hajime, I guess you're just too stupid to understand that," Nagito suddenly said, a newfound determination in his voice. But Hajime could detect his motives easily, for he knew Nagito well." You're not going to convince me to kill you, I never will," Hajime insisted, throwing the tape in the corner." Ah, you're good," Nagito whispered, the head injury kicking in quickly." It was such a perfect plan too," "No it wasn't," Hajime interrupted.

        "I wouldn't be able to do it, I love you too much to... to kill you. You should've known this," Hajime stated passionately, finally removing Nagito of his tape bonds. He helped the pale boy sit up and sat next to him." How ridiculous, I loved you so much I would die for you," Nagito responded, a blank expression crossing his face. And despite everything, Hajime smiled," That's a confession, your plan worked after all. We're both leaving." He said. And Komaeda looked thoughtful, and smiled back," It did, in a convoluted way do its part." He admitted, taking Hajime's hand as they both rose to their feet, and left the cabin.

        No one knew what happened in these exit ceremonies except for the participants. Hajime and Nagito stood hand in hand in a little room, waiting eagerly to be released. A box fell from the ceiling and landed on the table with a thunk. Hajime reached forward and opened the box, reading the note out loud." Only those who truly love each other would lose an eye for each other," Inside the box, two wooly bundles with a faint glow appeared. Nagito took one in his hands and Hajime took the other." I think losing an eye wouldn't be as bad as dying," Nagito admitted, trying to make Hajime feel hopeful. And it worked." A lot better than killing you, for sure," Hajime agreed, and together, they plunged the wool into their left and right eye.

Who needs eyes anyways when they know they're always next to each other?

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