Reflection| Saiouma Oneshot

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(I love mirror ghosts; The Sequel)

         Shuichi really liked looking at himself in reflections. As narcissistic as it sounds, it helps him reassure himself that everything is real. He is real, and everything around him is apart of the physical world. As a supernatural, superstitious and semi- Atua believer, this ritual has to be done practically everyday to keep himself sane. Now there have been instances where this ritual was interfered with or cut short, like when it's foggy or someone barges in before Shuichi can talk to himself. But he always does it at a later time, because he would probably lose himself if he went a whole week without doing this. Imagine this boy's surprise when it is physically impossible to do this ritual because he is not the person in his own reflection.

           It was a beautiful afternoon, the birds were chirping, the crisp wind was rustling papers right off the teacher's desk and next to the trash can, and Shuichi was panicking. Thoughts were sprinting through his head like no other. What if the birds were sent by the government- or a celestial force because he did something wrong and that's why they're screaming outside the window next to him? Or what if his teacher was sought out for a sin, like murder and minor inconvenience at every turn was his punishment?! At times like these, Shuichi would take a deep breath, and turn to face the window where another him would gaze back with the same forced calmness.

       A purple eyed and haired, dejected boy wearing a circular, silverly, thin head piece around his head. His hair, which Shuichi noticed was trying to flood out, was stuck beneath this head piece. The second thing he noticed was THAT THIS WAS NOT HIM IN HIS REFLECTION. Saihara jolted back, nearly falling out of his chair and felt Gonta grab the back of his shirt gently." Shuichi okay?" The big guy asked, using two fingers to force Shuichi back into his seat." Y-Yeah, just shocked by something, don't mind me," Shuichi reassured and looked back at the window. Same purple colored boy sat there, looking sadly at the desk in front of him stared back. It wasn't even trying to reflect his actions now, it was a literal life inside his reflection.

        "I'm going to the bathroom!" Shuichi whispered as the teacher was hunched over gathering papers. He hurried out of the class and went to the bathroom, looking into a mirror properly. See, this wasn't the first time this had occurred. Shuichi just thought it was a trick of the light all the other times because the boy disappeared after he looked away. So he did his inner monologue and kept away from reflections. But today, the most boring day, was the day where it's revealed that Shuichi's reflection is an entirely different person." Can... Oh my god, you can see me! Took you long enough!" The person in the mirror cried, placing a hand against the... mirror?

        "Great, officially crazy. Hello, my way into an insane asylum. My name is Shuichi Saihara, what is your imaginary name?" Shuichi asked, raising an arm to shake hands and then immediately dropping it." Kokichi Ouma, cursed to be stuck in your reflection forever! So you're stuck with me until..." The newly known Kokichi announced, and then trailed off." Wait why are you stuck in my reflection? And why the hell does a curse have a win lose condition?!" Shu angrily asked, feeling like he was owed some answers." Uhh, you were the most, and I quote!' Boring, uninteresting, unattractive wallflower that wouldn't even acknowledge my existence!' And heck if I know, I was just the receiver of the curse!" Kokichi replied, seeming thoroughly entertained. Shuichi slumped down against the sink, and looked back up to see Kokichi staring at him through the metal of the stall door," I hate it too, but you're stuck with me foreeevveer,"
        Stuck was not the right word. The correct word would be unpleasantly glued to but negotiable. Shuichi enjoyed Kokichi's non-presence more than he thought he should've, and Kokichi seemed to have the same idea. Their conversations were very interesting and kept Shuichi entranced, until the end where Kokichi would try to slip into a tile's reflection and fail miserably. Shuichi would be considering how he thinks of Kokichi as a friend when a sickening feeling swarmed his body. Any thought of Kokichi began causing this sick fit to happen. It was awful! How was Shuichi suppose to keep his mind off the cute, funny, charming person in his own reflection?!

... oh no.

Shuichi caught feelings.

        He barely had time to utter those words out loud before a tremendous sneeze echoed through the world. The sickness drained from his body, and Shuichi collapsed backwards, staring at his ceiling. He watched the ceiling fan for a second before getting up and looking at his mirror. In the mirror, petals of black and white with purple petals as chess pieces fell in the reflection, blocking all the glass. Out of the mirror came a petite, adorable, purple eyed and haired boy the same age as Shuichi. He stared at Shuichi with big eyes and his mouth agape.

       "Y-You love me back?" Kokichi whispered, his hands falling behind his back to support him. Shuichi registered him for a second and immediately leapt up, defensive." I- uh- maybe? You have no proof!" He cried, putting both hands out as if to stop Kichi." It was a true love curse, Shumai. I... we had to love each other for me to break free," Kokichi said, standing up carefully. Shuichi slouched in defeat and smiled shyly," Yeah, then I... maybe I do love you." He admitted, shuffling back on his bed. Kokichi took a running start and leapt into Shuichi's arms, hugging him tightly and kissing him deeply, leaving a broken mirror behind.

Less like deep and edgy and crap but i'm tired and generally want to write but i guess writer's block but not really so

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