Prom Night| Saiouma Oneshot

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Past me has sunken to the lowest of all lows, cliches. But, as my rules for myself, I have to write out every idea I put on my notepad. So cliches it is! Also, derogatory language (homophobic), be wary! I'm sorry my stories are including these so much, I just find it hard to fulfill these ideas without absolute jerks.

           Shuichi struggled to pull his sleeves down, and he glanced in the mirror only to look away. His reflection lied, he could only trust his senses. And his senses were telling him that he was going to smile a lot tonight. Surprisingly, Hopes Peak decided to host a fairly normal prom night, complete with the ball room. Yes, a ballroom. Shu couldn't believe it either, but here he was, dressed in blue with his hat tucked neatly so his bangs would show. He smiled as he ran his hand down his sleeve, and straightened his back. Kaede would come pick him up soon.

         The next thing he knew, he was in the car, listening to Miu and Kaede argue over whether to put on classical music or rock music. Shuichi played with his fingers, glancing about the car. He was crammed in between Kokichi and Kirumi, with Maki, Kaito and Gonta in the back. How they managed to fit Gonta, he had zero clue. Shuichi's mind began to drift and he imagined himself laughing as songs that were very inappropriate but didn't swear came over the speakers. He imagined himself pulling Kokichi quietly and forcing them to dance. Not because he wants to dance with Kokichi, mind you. It's because Kokichi seems so lonely and Shuichi likes his face-...
       The car ride was swift and Shuichi leaped out as soon as he got the chance. He glanced back to see Kaede staring at her car, the back of it barely surviving due to the large amount of weight. She would forget about it in a bit though, and Shuichi rushed into the place. He nearly fainted as he saw the blinding lights, the dance floor (which he was pretty sure was installed just for this) and the absolute monstrosity of food and drinks. Shu excitedly hurried to the food stand and took a bit of the meat on the bone. It was savory and quite amazing. He suddenly felt someone link his arm with theirs.

       Shuichi turned around just in time to keep pace with Rantaro, who pulled him into the dance floor." Rantaro, I don't really want to danc-" He couldn't finish the sentence before someone else hooked his arm and spun him around. Before him was a very embarrassed Maki, or she would be if she wasn't smiling the cutest damn smile ever." Do you want to die?" She asked jokingly, seeing his expression as she handed him off. Shuichi stumbled as the next person was going so quickly it was ridiculous." Ryoma it's a dance, not a tenni- Wah!" He was practically flung off of Ryoma's arm and right into Kokichi's.

       What wonders it was that the music stopped right then. Arms still interlocked, Shuichi and Kokichi stopped to face the supervisor." Prom king and queen votes! Choose wisely now!" The supervisor cheered, gesturing to two tables. Kokichi excitedly yanked Shuichi towards the first table." Who are you voting for, Shumai?" Kichi asked cheerfully." Ah, Maki and Kaito," Shuichi responded, looking away at the nickname." Awh lame, I'm voting for me and you!" Kokichi smiled, his face genuine. Shuichi's face contorted into surprise, but softened when Kokichi began to laugh." Oh I can't believe you fell for that! It's a lie!" He smiled, but Shuichi faintly heard," Or is it?"
       So maybe Kokichi danced every prom night, but that didn't mean Shuichi wasn't going to invite him onto the dance floor. Kokichi was doing his great impression of a rhino being stabbed in the foot by an elephant when the supervisor came out again. Like clockwork, two extravagant seats rose beside them." We have the results!" They cried, holding up a piece of paper. The cheers were deafening, and it only took a few seconds for it to subside." The winner of prom queen is... Saihara, Shuichi!"

      ... What? There must've been some mistake. He wasn't a girl, and would never be again. But the moment all eyes turned to face him, he realized that it wasn't a mistake.

"See? I told you sh-he- they were a girl!"

"Oh, who voted for the f***ot when a perfectly good Chiaki is right there?"

"So, are they a gay now?"

       So Shuichi did the only thing he knew how to do. Run. And he ran like mad. His senses did the work for him. He shoved through the crowd, his fine shoes making it hard to run. Chaos ensued, everyone clambering to take a good luck at who won prom queen. Shuichi bent down and yanked off his shoes while running, tossing them aside. It was much easier to run now, but he didn't have a sixth sense. The lack of a sixth sense made him ram directly into a spiked bowl of punch, and he tumbled down with it. Shuichi kept running, and a new thought crossed his mind a long with the fear and shame. That would stain forever. This would all stain forever.

       He ran to the school a bit away. Shuichi knew no one would give him a second thought, hopefully if he just disappeared for awhile. He dropped to his knees and began to try to dry himself angrily. How could've he had allowed himself to have fun? Of course something bad happened, it always does! The night where it was all going so well, no less! He saw in the classroom light from the window above that his suit wasn't drying, not in the slightest. Shuichi had half a mind to curl into a ball and stay like that. But he didn't. Instead, maybe he should go home and throw away this expensive suit which was a gift from Kaito.

        A ring was thrust in front of him. Shuichi was pulled to his feet and Kokichi kneeled instead, holding the ring dramatically." Will you, Saihara Shuichi, unite in sweet marriage with me?" Kokichi exclaimed boldly, dipping his head." Kokichi... that's a ring pop," "Yeah and it was worth 10 arcade tickets, Shumai! Accept it!" Kichi angrily exclaimed in a not so angry manner. Shuichi smiled softly and took the candy, spinning it in his fingers." So, after you made a scene, they announced prom king," Kokichi said, leaning right underneath the lit classroom window.

       "Guess who got prom king? It was Rantaro!" Kokichi cheered, and Shuichi noticed the shift in pitch." You got it, didn't you," Shu said, looking at him." Well Rantaro got it in my heart, okay?!" Kichi fake snapped, and leaned his head against Shuichi as they both leaned against the wall." I wouldn't mind you being my king either," Kokichi mumbled, and Shuichi's heart began to race." Well, you did propose," He responded with measured confidence." And you didn't respond!" Kichi "angrily" pouted.

Shuichi leaned down and kissed Kokichi softly, and then began to eat his ringpop." Yes, I accept your proposal, Kichi," He grinned. And Kokichi grinned back, only to feign horror.

"Shuichi, stop eating your ring! That cost me 10 arcade tickets!"

"You stole this anyways, be quiet you,"

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